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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 4

  1. You Can’t Just Walk Away

Frank involuntarily raised an eyebrow and held his breath. He only. insulted a little, but the new secretary already dared to bark?

“If I had known the CEO of Savior Group was this rude and arrogant, I wouldn’t have signed the contract!” Kara snapped without the slightest hesitation.

Frank checked the expressions of the bodyguards and Vivian. They all got tensed. No one dared to move. Indeed, it was only the girl in front of him who dared to seek death.

Frank looked at Kara closely. The corners of his lips twitched slightly. “So, you think I’m rude and arrogant?”

Before the girl could answer, he snorted and brushed the tip of his nose with his long forefinger.

“Who are you? How dare you judge me? You have no sense of shame and manners, huh?!”

“Sorry, Mr. Harper.” Vivian pulled Kara back. “Miss Martin has just. signed the contract and this is her first day visiting the company. She hasn’t had any training or read any manuals.”

“That’s not a reason for her to be rude to me,” Frank argued in a cold voice. A second later, his feet stepped forward. Shoving his hands in his pockets, Frank bent down until he was eye level with Kara. He was ready to snap. However, as soon as his nose caught the familiar citrus scent, he froze.

*This scent? Is she that girl? That’s why she dares to confront with me? She does look a bit similar. But, her eye color is different. Is it possible that she deliberately cover it up so as not to be discovered?’


Frank’s gaze narrowed. The more focused he looked at Kara’s eyes, the closer they were. He could even hear the girl’s gasps-small and ear-tickling-just like that night.

Realizing the CEO’s intentions, Kara blinked. Before her contact lens could be seen, she pushed Frank’s shoulder with all her strength.

“You accused me of being impolite and immoral, but look! You were the first one to cross the line. Mrs. Bell, I apologize. I want to cancel the contract. I don’t want to work with an arbitrary person who can’t respect others.”

Vivian sighed in despair. Kara and Frank had only met for a few minutes, but why had they been like cat and dog?

Meanwhile, Frank shook his head faintly. His eyes narrowed at Kara.

Have we met before?”

Kara flinched. She didn’t expect that the Pervert Demon’s suspicions could be aroused so quickly.

“No,” she answered as firmly as possible. However, Frank’s eyes became even sharper.

“Then why do you seem to have a grudge against me for decades? Did I ever run over your feet with my supercar? Or did another secretary deliberately send you to provoke my emotions?”

Kara’s hands clenched tighter. She realized that she had been reckless. She must be more careful if she wanted to escape safely.

“No. I’m just disappointed because the CEO of Savior Group turns out to have a personality like you. We won’t be able to get along, let alone. work together. Because of that, I resign.”

“You think there’s something wrong with my personality?”

The corners of Frank’s lips twitched again. With an exasperated sigh,


“Just so you know, with my personality, the Savior Group succeeded. in developing into eight business fields, winning various prestigious awards, and becoming the most influential company in the world. Almost all the best CEO awards went to me. Do you think I can achieve all that with a personality as weak as yours?”

Kara held her breath. Her eyes beamed with disgust and annoyance.

Frank Harper might be great in the business, but in moral matters… a big zero! He had abandoned two children and a woman.

“If you think you’re perfect, that’s your right. But no one can control my opinion. And I apologize if I signed the contract too quickly. Next time, I’ll make sure not to show my face in front of you anymore.”

Still with glassy eyes, Kara turned to Vivian. “Mrs. Bell, sorry to disappoint you, but I am resigning for the good of the company. Excuse me.”

Just as Kara was about to take a step, Frank blocked her path. The man’s expression was now difficult to decipher. He grimaced, but a sinister laugh escaped his lips.

“You think you can just leave like that?”

A second later, Frank spoke to the man standing two steps behind. him. “Jeremy, has the new regulation been passed?”

“Yes, Sir.”


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