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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 53

  1. Kara’s Softness

Hearing that soft sigh, Frank smiled faintly. “Why? You can’t hold it in any longer?”

Kara opened her eyes. She was immediately captivated by the thin lips in front of her. Again, she swallowed hard.

“That’s what I felt back then. Now that you know, you can’t hold grudges or think differently about me. Understand?”

Kara took a faint breath. She no longer paid attention to what her boss was saying. Her attention was only focused on those lips. The movements seemed to tempt her soul. She wanted Frank to touch her again.

As Frank was about to continue speaking, Kara suddenly silenced him. Frank’s eyes widened. He didn’t expect that a girl as innocent as

Kara could also become wild when she lost her mind.

“Wait,” Frank interrupted when Kara took a breath. Even though his own heart was already racing, he gently moved her shoulders away from him. “Can’t you control yourself? I can’t promise I’ll be 0 hold back if you attack me again.”


Kara cupped Frank’s cheeks with both hands. However, when she was about to kiss, the man unexpectedly avoided by straightening h back.

“You’ll regret it if you keep teasing me. You don’t like being touched by me, do you?” Frank teased in a half whisper. The dream of Kara being wild on him was playing in his mind.

Instead of answering, Kara stood up and targeted his neck. Receiving

on’t blame me witben dose my control”

lowever, Kara kept porttito laer arms around Frank’s neck. It was assas if he was addicted to his masculine scent.

Okay, your chance is up. Beear your own shame when you wake kapup.”

second later, Franto greeted Kara’s sweet lips. Inch by inch, hehe

xotored her softness.

fter a while, the two of thern wear go on the couch. They elcomed each other. The warmth was spread and the enthusiasm m

as burning.

ven though it was different from what was depicted in his wild

ream, Frank was still happy. Aftersamaany years, he could finally bel the warmth of “that citrus” again.


then she woke up, Kara immediately despeed. Frank was so close to erface. There wasn’t any single threaducovermagthose sturdy houlders. Several hickeys were painted faintly.

wi with wide eyes, Kara tried to refresh her inernoovy Last nigh

ras fighting against Ben. Then, Frank carne. Altenthat everyt

as a blur. She didn’t know how she ended up with that Perverted

genon again.

ple you sleep well?”

shed ligion ed. She didn’t know that Frank was awake, Heermund was

onerendore and more confused.

rug acting an answer, Frank opened his eyes. Apparently, Neata was

omvat tum with round eyes.

that tickled her ears.

Kara’s cheeks reddened. She could feel pain in her lower body. “We’re doing it again?” Her voice was thin.

Smiling, Frank kissed her cheek. “You started it.”

Instantly, the blurry images in Kara’s mind became clear. She remembered how wild she was when she was out of control.

Feeling embarrassed, tears began to gather in her eyes. She wanted to pull herself back, but Frank’s arm and the backrest of the couch.


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