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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 61

  1. Isabela’s Anger

Kara was stunned when she saw the shrimp arranged so beautifully in a plain white box. “But it must be very expensive.”

Directing Kara back to the chair, Frank whispered, “No matter how

expensive it is, poison is still poison. Hurry up. She’ll be here in a


As Kara was busy considering it, Frank shoved a shrimp into her mouth.

“Sir? What if your future wife gets angry?” Kara asked with round eyes and an unclear voice.

Frank wiped the food stains from the corner of Kara’s lips, smiling crookedly. “Chew it quickly and carefully.”

Kara was forced to comply with furrowed brows. After she

swallowed, Frank shoved the dessert into her mouth.


“Come on, hurry. Brewing coffee doesn’t take long.”

Kara pushed away the hand that wanted to wipe her lips again. She didn’t want to cause misunderstandings or jealousy. Isabela was no

match for her.

Even though he was rejected, Frank still smiled. His eyes couldn’t

leave Kara’s sweet face.

Just before his secretary swallowed, he opened another stack of lunch boxes. After arranging it in front of Kara, he took a main menu

and sat in his chair.

Seeing the behavior of the man across the table, Kara arched her


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of being heard by the others.

“I suddenly want to eat with you.”

Kara’s back suddenly tensed. “Are you looking for trouble? What if your future wife sees? I don’t want any more fuss.”

Before Kara got up from her chair, Frank raised his finger and put on a cold expression. “If you refuse, I will drag the witch before you.”

“Didn’t you just ask me to finish this in secret? Why do you invite me to eat together now?”

Lifting the corners of his lips, Frank leaned his head forward. “I changed my mind. Now, eat at ease. You have nothing to worry about.

“You!” Isabela’s voice suddenly came from the door.

Kara turned around. The model was holding a cup of coffee with twitching on her face.

Previously, Frank did not lower his voice when defending Kara. The guards must have heard. Because of that, Isabela was half-dead fighting embarrassment when she walked past them.

But now, she could no longer hold back her anger. She stepped forward and prepared to splash coffee on Kara’s face.

Unexpectedly, Frank held her hand. The coffee ended spilling on her expensive clothes.

“Hubby?” Isabela’s eyes were burning red.

“Didn’t I remind you not to make any more noise?” Frank said coldly.

“It wasn’t me, but this cheap woman who caused the commotion. Look! She dared to eat my lunch.”


Kara got up from the chair. Her face was withered. She was really tired of being involved in the fight between his boss and the model.” Sorry, Miss Hall.”

was the one who asked Kara to eat with me,” Frank interjected

lightly. “You are unwilling to apologize. That means I have to find another way to teach you manners. Instead, I gave her the opportunity to eat together with me.”

Isabela’s breath roared. “What do you mean? You said you weren’t interested in that menu. Now you want to eat it? With that cheap. woman?”


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