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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 76

  1. Kidnapped

Kara picked up the phone hastily. “Mom?”

“I’m sorry, Kara …. I’m sorry.”

Kara’s chest throbbed with pain when she heard her mother’s sobs. Her mouth was dry and her tongue was numb. “W-what’s wrong,

Mom? Why are you apologizing?”

“I just left for a moment to see the nurse. But, when I came back, Emily and Louis were no longer in the room.”

The world seemed to shake. Kara could no longer stand strong. If Frank hadn’t been quick to catch her, she would have landed on the


“Kara…. Oh my god!” Frank rushed to carry her to the sofa.

Meanwhile, Jeremy took over the phone. After hearing further explanation from Susan, he followed the others to the CEO’s room.

Frank was rubbing Kara’s arm. With a face as white as cotton, she looked very worrying. Moreover, she seemed having difficulty to catch

her breath.

“What happened?” Frank asked, immediately catching Kara’s


“Where are they?” she sighed while raising her head weakly.

Jeremy glanced at the CEO briefly. He knew the truth could no longer be hidden.

“The hospital has reported this. Police are tracking their


Kara closed her eyes again. The pressure in her head grew tens of


Meanwhile, Frank was still waiting for another explanation. However, Jeremy did not continue.

“Who are they?”

Jeremy took a deep breath. “Miss Martin’s children.”

Frank was speechless. He had refrained from asking that before. But apparently, the universe had an unexpected way of telling him.

“Kara’s children?” Frank repeated the answer with great emphasis.

With his mouth agape, he turned to Kara. The woman was already half conscious. Obviously, it wasn’t the right time to ask whether the children were the twins or not-the children he assumed were his

flesh and blood.

After blinking, Frank immediately pointed to the table. “Bring my phone here!”

One of the guards swiftly carried out the order. Without further ado, Frank checked the red dot he had been observing all day. As

expected, the location changed.

“I know where they are.”

Kara’s eyes were wide again. Hope had swept the heavy burden from

her mind. “Where?”

Frank showed her his phone. “They are on the road, moving to


While shedding tears, Kara let out a sigh of laughter. Her hands were now gripping Frank’s suit. “Please take me there. I have to save them.”

Frank could feel the vibrations in Kara’s grip. Holding those icy hands, he nodded. “Let’s save them.”



Louis awoke to intense pain. While holding his left hand, he grimaced. However, once he realized he was in a strange place, he immediately ignored the pain.

“Where are we?”

His sister didn’t answer. She was still asleep with the lemon plush in

her arms.

Frowning, Louis looked around. There wasn’t much he could observe. The walls around them were covered in red curtains. However, he

knew that the chair they were sitting in was a car seat.

“Emily, it looks like we’re kidnapped.”

Carefully, Louis pulled aside the curtain beside him. As he peeked out, the pile of colorful containers immediately caught his round eyes.

“Wow that’s cool!”

A second later, he started shaking Emily’s body. “Emily, wake up! You

have to see what’s outside!”

Emily started to furrow her brows. Rubbing her eyes, she straightened her back from the backrest.

“Is it morning yet?”

Louis gasped. “Don’t you remember? We were captured by a bad guy.”

Emily blinked to gather consciousness. When she saw the red curtain around her, she immediately leaned closer to Louis and pouted. ” Mommy….”


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