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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 95

  1. Getting Close

“What are you doing here?” Frank asked softly.

Kara’s lips pursed. After returning her gaze towards the garden, she asked back, “Are the twins asleep?”

“Yes.” Silently, Frank took the seat next to her. “Emily didn’t want to

come out of her brother’s room earlier. She wanted to hear me read a

book to Louis too even though I had finished a book of fairy tales in

her room.”

Kara glanced thinly. “Now they sleep together?”

“No. I moved Emily after she fell asleep.”

Kara jerked an eyebrow. Hugging herself, she grumbled, “You must be happy. You’ve succeeded in snatching my children’s attention.”

The curve of Frank’s lips widened. It was the first time he saw Kara’s childish side like that. “You think I manage to grab their attention?”

Kara took a deep breath. “Isn’t it clear? They’re not even looking for

me anymore.”

While Frank smiled, Kara continued to express her worries. “And I think you must be proud too. You’ve proven that money is powerful. You can give them nice clothes, expensive toys, everything they want, things I can’t afford. You must be very satisfied.”

In the silence, Frank watched Kara’s face. There was no envy behind the frown, only sadness and disappointment.

“You know what? I learned a lot today. Turns out, being a parent is really hard.”

Kara spontaneously rolled her eyes. She felt that the CEO was making


“Because of that, I admire you. You are able to raise your children very well just by yourself.”

Kara glanced suspiciously. However, finding sincerity on Frank’s face, her eyes began to fill with tears. “I’m not alone. I’m with my mother,” she said softly.

“But you’re still great. Supporting two children isn’t easy. You have to give them food, clothes, entertainment, education… and you do all that while working.”

A bland laugh escaped Kara’s mouth. She tried to look away, but failed. Those gray eyes had hypnotized her.

“I know what you mean. You want to compare what I’ve given them over the years with what you’ve just given them in one day, right?”

“No, Kara.” Frank shook his head faintly. “There is nothing in the world that can match a mother’s love. You have given everything to your children, even though you said… they are not your biological children.

Silence hung for a moment. Kara understood the meaning of the emphasis at the end of that statement. Frank wanted her to believe

that he believed.

“Thanks to you,” Frank continued, “I realized that price isn’t only about numbers. Children never worry about their clothes or toys. That’s because they are comfortable. You are the one who makes them. comfortable.”

Kara’s tears thickened. The pressure in her chest became even more intense. Not wanting to get carried away, she snorted quickly. “You praise me as high as you can to drop me at the end, hmm?”

“Absolutely not.” Frank patted the hand in his grasp.

“I’m just telling the truth. Yes, the things I gave were more expensive,

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always accompanied them.”


Kara laughed sarcastically. While looking away, she swallowed hard. They’re not your children. You don’t need to be there for them.”

“You’re right. They have a great mother, so they should be fine. They’re smart and so mature for their age. You did a great job educating them, Kara.”

Kara finally looked down and bit her lip. Her heart felt light at the confession, but she didn’t want to fly. She was afraid of pain when she fell.


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