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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 15

Chapter 14:

"Isabelle, how have been? Where have you been?" She questioned, a smile on her face.

Was she trying to act innocent? Or was she just trying to provoke me? I simply studied her face briefly and slapped the most plastic smile I could fathom on my face.

"Liliana, it has been a while. But you know I've been up And about." I said to her. She nodded stupidly and turned to me her sly unhappy face making an appearance.

"And why is it you've come back? I thought you hated Sin apparently," she said trying to sound as if she really cared.

Did I hate Sin? And how is it that she knew that, when I never mentioned ever hating Sin, I was angry, but hate, I never told anyone that? She was such a --

"Oh, Sin never told you? He searched for me for almost 5 years, and he Confessed his dire love for me." I said. Her face twisted in anger. She was. About to speak when Caitlin squeal echoed.

Her tiny footsteps thud in the stairs. She spotted me and ran towards me, her face covered in chocolate.

"You bared another man's child. Sin must be despising you for that." she smiled. Oh, how I'd love to shatter her face.

"momma! Daddy's coming for me!! Hewlp meee!" she ran behind my leg while Sin's scent floated about around us.

He spotted Caitlin and came towards us, Liliana's face brightened with a fake smile.

"Where is she? Wheres my princess?" Sin acted dumb. Caitlin continued to hide as Sin's hands grabbed and smothered kisses on her chocolate covered face.

Caitlin giggled in joy. "dadddddddyyyyyy" she laughed.

"princess! I told you not to eat mommys cake. It was supposed to be a surprise." Sin said looking at me.

"but It looked swow goowd!" she said with a cute smile.

Sin then turned to see Liliana next to me. "Lilly, good to see you." he said, and soon my jealousy was hitting him in waves.

He walked up beside me and wrapped his one hand around my waist as the other hand held Caitlin.

"Sin, is she yours?" she tried acting stupid when she could clearly see they had a resemblance.

"Yes, she is mine and Isabelle's daughter, Caitlin," he said smiling lovingly at Caitlin.

I looked at Liliana with a deadly eye. We had a staredown and the tension Between us could be felt a mile away.


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