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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 24

What. Just. Happened?

That's the question that's been imploring my mind the entire time. I felt numb. Was I not trustworthy? And how could he had just taken her side? None of this made sense.

But what pierced my heart the most was the words he never thought of before uttering. 'forget about it'. How could he have asked me to just forget? To let go of the past, when I had been so wronged? How could those words form On his lips? His mate had been touched, abused, did he not feel anything. We were going back to how we used to be five years ago. We were going back to saying things that hurt one another. Sin hadn't changed.

I sighed as a tear rolled down my face. I feel so hurt, so wronged, so... Helpless. I sobbed quietly as I sat in Caitlins room on the couch.

I. Hadn't uttered a single word as I watched Mt daughter sleep. Life was easy after what had happened to us, now it's complicated again. My mind overflowed with the worst scenarios and honestly I didn't want my daughter to go through this at all. Caitlin didn't deserve to go through all of these hardships. She's only five and seeing lofe in all these ways, makes me wonder what goes through her mind.

The wind blew in the room as a quiet knock echoed throughout the bedroom. I said nothing already knowing whose scent filled my nose.

His elegant footsteps tapped on the bedroom floor as he made his way towards Caitlin bed. I turned to look at him as he sat next to our daughter caressing her hair gently as he kissed her forehead.

He looked at me his gaze locked on mine. Neither of us breathed and neither of us blinked. I broke eye contact as I looked away from him.

"Isabelle..." my name sounded from his lips. My stomach churned in excitement, this feeling only coming from my wolf.

I ignored his words and sat silently. Trying to keep my thoughts away from him.

"Isabelle, my love, please understand." and as soon as those words left his mouth I snapped.

"Understand what Sin? Exactly what should I understand? That I will always be your second choice over your 'mother'? Tell me? You say you live me, that I'm your Queen, that no one else matters besides me, yet you make me invisible as soon as Ravecca appears. Proof? What proof do I need to show you other than the fact that as your mate I know what I'm talking about?! TELL ME SIN! WHAT?!" I yelled.


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