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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 8

Chapter 7

It's been 4 days since we moved in with Sin. I've been smiling a lot lately and for some reason, we've been getting Closer. I want to hate him honestly, but I can't.

I sat in the park and watched as Sin played with Caitlin. My heart tugged as I remembered what had happened in the past. I know he doesn't remember, but I'll never forget.

"Momma! Look, Look!" Caitlin called out as she stood on Sins shoulders with a pose.

My heart pounded as the fear of her falling crossed my mind. "Caitlin-" I said but she laughed at me.

"Mom! I'm swuper girls, do you see it!" her face radiated with happiness. I couldn't take that away. I nodded biting my tongue.

Sin seemed to get my worries as he teased Caitlin. "Caitlin, mommy doesn't think you can do it on the ground!" he said using reverse psychology.

"I can too! Just see. See mommy!" she said Sin put her down and she posed.

"Of you so can! I'm proud off you." I said to her. And she showed me a toothy grin.

"momma I want ice-cream!" she said, but be knowing Caitlin would just get sick.

"No," I said sternly.

She turned to Sin with watery eyes, and her chubby face as she looked at him, in sadness. "Daddy, I want ice-cream," she said to him as the tears threatened to fall out.

She was such a two-faced player.

"aww princess, sure, let's go, I'm sure mommy won't mind if it's just one scoop? Right?" he said looking at me with hope.

I sighed as I. Looked at the two rascals. "Fine whatever, but if she gets sick Sin, you're going to look after her," I said.

We sat in the car as Sin headed towards the ice-cream parlour. Caitlin sat quietly, with her head down. We drove for some time as something didn't feel right.

"Caitlin honey, are you feeling okay?" my heart started pounding.

"Yes I'm fine, I want ice-cream," she said with a shaky voice. I put my hand on her head only to feel her burning up.

"Sin! She's burning up." I said to him as he hit the breaks. Making the car screech.

I unbuckled my seatbelt as I practically ran out the front seat towards the back.


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