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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 12

Amelia's POV

Today is the day. Today is the day everyone will be going to the war. I was starting to get worried. I really hope everything will go according to the plan.

Everyone was in the field as they said their farewells, hoping they would be seeing their families again. I cried seeing them. The war is going to start in awhile and they had to go.

I searched for Nathan and he was talking to Angela. Angela looked like she is going to cry anytime now. I walked towards them. Once Nathan saw me, he pulled me in for a hug.

"Come back safe big bro." I said almost tearing up. "I will baby sis." he said pulling back. "Both of you be safe. Both of you know what you guys have to do right?" Nathan asked as we nod our heads.

"Good. Be safe both of you." he said smiling sadly at us. "Nathan you ready?" I heard his voice. When I looked up, he was looking around. Nathan nodded his head and went to the front with Angela following him.

Xavier was about to go to. With all the courage left I stopped him. "Wait." he turn around. "What?" he asked harshly. I flinched at his tone yet said the words needed to be said.

"I know you don't like me and I understand that. But please come back safe." I said the words that I was dying to say. He looked taken back but nodded his head and left.

"Today, we are fighting for our family, our children and pack. We will win this for our Kingdom!" Nathan shouted as everyone cheered.

I stayed right at the back. I was observing everything. I couldn't form words. Even without realising I formed a bond with the pack. And seeing them like this made me sad.

Soon everyone left for the war. I was hoping, Xavier would turn around once and look at me. But nope. I sighed and got ready to do as I was told.

"Everyone come on, go to the secret room." I said ushering them inside. Everyone started to go in. The women and children were in a separate rooms.

Angela decided to be with the women and I will be guarding the children. There were guards outside the palace guarding.

But knowing the witches, they will use magic to get inside. After getting the children in the secret room, I locked the door from the inside.

I made them sit and tried to calm them down. "Luna, I am scared." one of the girls told. I sat next to her and tried to calm her.

"Don't be scared. Everything will alright." I said cooing. I decided to hum a tune that will calm them down. And indeed it did. They start to calm down.

We sat there for few hours when I heard constant loud bangs. The children started to get scared. They were here.

With the bangs I knew it was only minutes before they got. I went to the shelf and pushed it. It was a secret tunnel. I quickly guided them in.

I was going to close shelf, "Luna, aren't you coming?" one of the boys asked me. I shook my head. "I am going to hold them of. You guys follow the tunnel light."

They nodded their head. I closed the tunnel and took out the dagger that I was holding. I will not let the witches hurt the children.

The door banged open. 3 witches came barging in looking around. "Well, well. What do we have here? The Luna Queen." one of the witch said.

"We are going to have so much fun." she said before throwing red light balls at me. I dodged them and ran towards them.

Using some of my combat moves, I skidded and cut on of the witches legs as blood start ooze out. The witch let out a groan.

This seemed to surprise the other witches. They started throwing more red light balls at me. I kept dodging and formed cuts in their body.

The witches looked weak, and the fell to the ground kneeling. "We will not lose." one of the witches said before all of them recite some spell.

They formed one big red light and shoot it at me. I managed to dodged it as it hit the wall. But the impact was too big that sent me flying across the room.


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