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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 9

Amelia's POV

I jolt wake up from the thunder sound. I look around and saw I was in bed. I touched at my neck and it sting a bit. It must have been only hours.

I looked at my side table and saw that it was 2 am. I heard another thunder and screamed slightly. I was sweating slightly. I decided to take wash my face and to the bathroom.

I looked at mirror wear the mark. I can see a tattoo forming. By tomorrow, the mark would have healed and the pack symbol would have formed Just like Angela's.

After washing my face, I went back to sleep. I felt slightly weak. Just then I heard the door knock. Who will be knocking at 2 am? I was feeling slightly weak hence unable to use my smelling sense.

I went to open the door only to get shocked. It was him. He was standing there, glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would be 6 feet under already. He took predatory steps inside.

"I came here to tell you one thing. Just because I have marked you doesn't mean I like you or want you, There is nothing between us. You understand little one?" he asked in a calm yet threatening tone.

I stood there rooted to the floor. He was large compared to me. His frame towering over me. "UNDERSTAND?" he whispered yelled. I nodded my head frantically.

He turned on his heels and went out the door slamming it. I fall down to the floor crying. His words were like daggers to my heart.

I didn't know how long I was in the floor, but I passed out crying.

*The next morning*

I woke up to the same body aches and realised I fell asleep crying. Again. I sighed and decided to take a shower. I stayed in the shower thinking about everything.

A part of me hopes one day, we'll be better. I am seriously scared about him going to the war. I know he is strong and all.

But they are going to be dealing with magic. Dark magic. Its not easy to win dark magic. The witches fight cunningly. They'll do anything to win.

So will Xavier. I have heard stories about him. He maybe ruthless and merciless hence will do anything in his power to win. Power against power.

I sighed and got out of the shower and dried myself. I put on a baby blue jeans and white t shirt and got my bag pack. I put in my books and homework and walked out of my room.

'I am going college." I mind-linked Nathan. He immediately responded. 'What? Why? Your coronation finished yesterday only.'

'You said I can go back once coronation is over.' I heard him sigh. 'Alright wait for me." 'Okie.' I said turning off the mindlink.

I waited for him at the lift in his floor. "Amelia, how are you feeling now?" Nathan asked hugging me. "Better." I smiled at him. "You sure?" he asked me suspiciously.

"Yes. Now come on. I am going to be late." I said dragging him. We quickly got onto his truck. I looked at the field looking for Xavier, but I couldn't spot him.

With a frown, I looked away as Nathan started to drive. I thought of asking Nathan for something. "Nathan, can I ask you something?"

"Sure baby sis. What is it?" he said looking forward. "Can you teach me how to drive? Please." I said giving him the best puppy face.

"Ok, I will. Don't make that face." he said chuckling. "Thank you so much." I said giving him a side hug. We continued talking when I had a question.

"Nathan, what happened to the previous Luna Queen? I know what happen to the previous Alpha King. But I have no idea what happened to previous Luna Queen."

He stiffen at my words. He took a deep sigh before talking. "She isolated herself. After her mate died, she couldn't take the pain. So she isolated herself from everyone." he said making me sad.

"Where is she now?" "She lives all by herself in the east wing. No one is allowed to go there. The garden that is on the backyard. It was planted by herself." he said smiling.

I just nodded my head. Soon we reached. I said bye to Nathan and went inside. The moment I went inside, half the school stopped talking.

They were looking at me intently. That's when I realised they were the werewolves. They were trying to bow their head without the humans knowing.


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