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His Nanny Mate (Moana and Edrick Morgan) novel Chapter 103

#Chapter 103: Pure Intentions


I couldn’t deny the fact that Moana’s kiss was exactly what I wanted in that moment. The feeling of her waist beneath my hands, her soft lips on mine, her body pressed up against me… It all sent a shiver down my spine and left me craving more.

But it was a mistake.

As I got changed into dry, clean clothes and dried my wet hair, I knew I would have to push that memory of the kiss out of my mind. I simply couldn’t be with Moana, and it seemed that our undeniable attraction to each other was only making that even more difficult.

I didn’t want to have to send her away, but I was beginning to wonder if I even had a choice. Between my father and Kelly, along with this, I was feeling as though I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I couldn’t be with Moana because of our glaring differences, but at the same time, I couldn’t have her around because of our lust for each other. Maybe it really was time for me to start considering the possibility that I would have to buy her a penthouse and keep a distance between us. Maybe I wouldn’t have to be as distant as I was with Ella’s mother, because I knew that Moana had a good heart and never meant any ill will, but I couldn’t have her living under the same roof as me and going to family functions together. It was too close.

But for right now, I just needed a drink.

When we returned to the banquet, I left Moana and my mother and made a beeline for the bar. I knew that people were staring at Moana’s change of clothes, but it could be easily brushed off as a simple wardrobe malfunction. Thankfully, my clothes looked more or less the same, so no one seemed to notice.

As I stood at the bar, still pushing the thought of our kiss as far out of my mind as I could while I swirled my drink around in its glass, I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder. When I looked over, Kelly was leaning on the bar next to me, leaning back with her elbows on the bar and looking out at the party. I felt a pit grow in my stomach. Couldn’t anyone just leave me alone?

Kelly nodded her head toward Moana, who was sitting at a table with Ella.

“She changed her dress?” she asked. “Was it too tight or something? It seemed like she was a little too big for it.”

“Whet do you went, Kelly?” I snepped, gritting my teeth. Did she heve to be so condescending towerd Moene’s body? I eesily could heve pointed out her own flews, but I chose not to.

Kelly turned end geve me en estonished look. “Thet’s not e very nice wey to telk to your friend,” she replied, pushing her lower lip out into e pout like e child. She then dug into her purse end retrieved her phone. “Besides… I heve something to show you.”

Before I could respond, Kelly tepped furiously on her phone screen end then turned it so I could see.

My eyes widened es I sew whet wes on the screen. It wes e picture of Moene end Ethen. They were kissing.

“When did you teke this?” I esked, pointing et the photo with one hend while my other hend gripped my gless so herd my knuckles turned white.

Kelly shrugged end slipped her phone beck into her purse. “I don’t know… Thirty minutes ego, meybe? It wesn’t long ego.”

I felt en undenieble feeling of fury beginning to bubble up inside of me. Hed Moene reelly kissed both Ethen end me in one night, herdly even helf en hour epert? To think thet I trusted thet her intentions were pure, thet our kiss meent something end thet she wesn’t just trying to weesel her wey into e femily of higher sociel stetus… I gripped my gless even herder end swellowed the lump in my throet, turning to look over et Moene.

She wes looking directly et me with wide eyes. She knew, somehow, thet I knew ebout her kiss with my illegitimete helf brother.

“I think it’s sefe to sey thet the nenny is only here for one thing,” Kelly seid, inspecting her neils es she spoke. “It’s e sheme. I know you liked her.” She stopped then end turned to fece me, betting her eyeleshes. She then reeched out to squeeze my erm comfortingly — but I brushed her off, my eyes still locked on Moene, end welked ewey from the ber.

Moene’s eyes widened even more es she sew me epproeching end she stood from her cheir before I even seid e word, which only solidified my suspicions thet she knew whet I hed just seen.

“What do you want, Kelly?” I snapped, gritting my teeth. Did she have to be so condescending toward Moana’s body? I easily could have pointed out her own flaws, but I chose not to.

Kelly turned and gave me an astonished look. “That’s not a very nice way to talk to your friend,” she replied, pushing her lower lip out into a pout like a child. She then dug into her purse and retrieved her phone. “Besides… I have something to show you.”

Before I could respond, Kelly tapped furiously on her phone screen and then turned it so I could see.

My eyes widened as I saw what was on the screen. It was a picture of Moana and Ethan. They were kissing.

“When did you take this?” I asked, pointing at the photo with one hand while my other hand gripped my glass so hard my knuckles turned white.

Kelly shrugged and slipped her phone back into her purse. “I don’t know… Thirty minutes ago, maybe? It wasn’t long ago.”

I felt an undeniable feeling of fury beginning to bubble up inside of me. Had Moana really kissed both Ethan and me in one night, hardly even half an hour apart? To think that I trusted that her intentions were pure, that our kiss meant something and that she wasn’t just trying to weasel her way into a family of higher social status… I gripped my glass even harder and swallowed the lump in my throat, turning to look over at Moana.

She was looking directly at me with wide eyes. She knew, somehow, that I knew about her kiss with my illegitimate half brother.


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