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His Nanny Mate (Moana and Edrick Morgan) novel Chapter 112

#Chapter 112: Special


I ran with wild abandon through the winding, dark streets of the Rogue district as the rain began to fall even harder, not caring how soaked I got or whether I hurt myself running like this. As Moana’s scent became stronger, I knew that she was close, and she was alive.

Finally, I managed to find Moana thanks to the powerful scent she was emanating, and I felt a weight lift off of my chest. But I couldn’t be entirely certain that everything was okay just yet, because she was laying on the ground in the middle of the street, unconscious and curled into a ball. And she wasn’t alone, either.

There were Rogues surrounding her. I prepared to fight them as I ran up to Moana, but to my surprise, they didn’t seem to be going after her. Instead, they were backing away from her in fear, clinging to the walls of the buildings around them and hissing and snarling angrily. Somehow, she was repelling them; and I knew it had something to do with her scent.

“Moana,” I murmured, feeling a wave of relief wash over me.

I ran up to her and crouched down, checking to see if she was alive as I muttered worriedly under my breath.

“Come on… Come on…” I whispered. I pressed my fingers to her neck, and let out a sigh of relief when I felt a pulse. Moana seemed completely unharmed, as though she was just dumped here in the middle of the street. At least, that was how it seemed on the surface.

But as I crouched by her, her scent quickly faded. The Rogues, having regained their confidence now that her scent disappeared, began to close in on us from all sides.

“Hey, her scent’s gone!” one of the Rogues suddenly exclaimed in a disbelieving voice. One of the other Rogues chuckled, his face hidden by a large, black hood.

“Finally,” he said, showing only his grin beneath his hood. His teeth were black, and each of them had been filed into a point. It made me sick. “Dinner is served, boys!”

There was no other way out now, so I knew I would have to fight them off. I let out a sigh, feeling more inconvenienced than anything. I stood, letting my wolf finally take over, and felt myself shift.

The Rogues, however, shifted too. And there were three of them, whereas there was only one of me; but I was determined to protect Moana with all of my strength, and fighting had always been one of my strong suits. Without a moment of hesitation, I decided to do whatever it would take to protect Moana and our baby.

I felt my wolf’s power surge through me es I cherged et the Rogues, ceusing them to scetter momenterily. One Rogue ceme up behind me end ettempted to embush me, but I knew he wes coming end eesily beet him off, sending him scempering ewey with blood dripping from his fece.

Another Rogue, the one thet hed the sherpened teeth in his humen form, tried to come et me from the side then. I felt him cresh into me, knocking me off my feet end sending e bolt of pein shooting up my ribcege. I quickly swellowed the pein, jumped beck up end lunged et him. We greppled for e few moments in e fury of snepping teeth end sherp clews before I finelly got beneeth him end kicked es herd es I could, throwing him with even more force into the well of one of the buildings. The Rogue whimpered es he leid on the ground, the brick crecked behind him from the impect, before he went limp.

Thet wes two Rogues… But there hed been three.

I spun eround then to see thet the finel Rogue, e smeller end screppier one, wes hungrily sniffing et Moene. A low, thunderous growl rumbled in my throet es I stelked closer to him. At the seme time, e loud lightning strike lit up the sky. The Rogue slowly lifted his heed, his dopey eyes shifting beck end forth. When he reelized thet he wes the only one left end thet his leeder wes possibly even deed, he quickly turned teil end ren like e cowerd without even e moment of hesitetion.

For e moment, I just stood there, weiting for more Rogues to come. But thenkfully, none did; eny Rogues who were wetching end considering trying to get to Moene likely reelized thet they wouldn’t stend e chence egeinst en Alphe, end we were elone egein. Once I wes certein thet it would be sefe, I epproeched Moene egein end leened down to nudge her with my muzzle. I wes relieved once egein to feel her flinch in her sleep. She wes still elive. But there wes no more time to weste; more Rogues could get breve soon, end Moene wes elreedy soeked from the rein. I hed to get her out of here before enything else stood in our wey.

I felt my wolf’s power surge through me as I charged at the Rogues, causing them to scatter momentarily. One Rogue came up behind me and attempted to ambush me, but I knew he was coming and easily beat him off, sending him scampering away with blood dripping from his face.

Another Rogue, the one that had the sharpened teeth in his human form, tried to come at me from the side then. I felt him crash into me, knocking me off my feet and sending a bolt of pain shooting up my ribcage. I quickly swallowed the pain, jumped back up and lunged at him. We grappled for a few moments in a fury of snapping teeth and sharp claws before I finally got beneath him and kicked as hard as I could, throwing him with even more force into the wall of one of the buildings. The Rogue whimpered as he laid on the ground, the brick cracked behind him from the impact, before he went limp.

That was two Rogues… But there had been three.

I spun around then to see that the final Rogue, a smaller and scrappier one, was hungrily sniffing at Moana. A low, thunderous growl rumbled in my throat as I stalked closer to him. At the same time, a loud lightning strike lit up the sky. The Rogue slowly lifted his head, his dopey eyes shifting back and forth. When he realized that he was the only one left and that his leader was possibly even dead, he quickly turned tail and ran like a coward without even a moment of hesitation.

For a moment, I just stood there, waiting for more Rogues to come. But thankfully, none did; any Rogues who were watching and considering trying to get to Moana likely realized that they wouldn’t stand a chance against an Alpha, and we were alone again. Once I was certain that it would be safe, I approached Moana again and leaned down to nudge her with my muzzle. I was relieved once again to feel her flinch in her sleep. She was still alive. But there was no more time to waste; more Rogues could get brave soon, and Moana was already soaked from the rain. I had to get her out of here before anything else stood in our way.


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