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His Nanny Mate (Moana and Edrick Morgan) novel Chapter 177

#Chapter 177: Caffeine Crash


The rest of the weekend went by too quickly. I spent all of Sunday with Ella to make up for not seeing her on Saturday, and soon enough Monday morning came around.

However, I noticed something over the weekend as well as the first few days of the week: Mina’s sleepiness wasn’t getting any better. In fact, it only seemed to be getting worse, and it was making me nervous. At first, I thought it was just the pregnancy, but now I was beginning to think otherwise.

And in fact, there was something especially odd about it.

Mina seemed to get better at nighttime. She still had very little energy during that time, but it was an obvious improvement nonetheless. This slightly heightened energy would go on through the night and the early morning, but then she would get extremely sleepy again whenever I drank my morning coffee.

By Thursday, I was beginning to get suspicious. I decided then to try an experiment; on Thursday morning, I decided not to drink my morning coffee.

“Good morning,” Selina said as I walked into the kitchen. I was already dressed for work, and Ella was already sitting at the kitchen counter and eating her toast and eggs before school. I kissed Ella on top of her head and smiled at Selina, who had just placed a plate of breakfast down for me.

But when I sat down, I saw that my coffee was there. I subtly pushed it away and ate my breakfast without mentioning it, but Selina noticed that the cup was untouched as I finished eating and stood up to get ready to leave.

“You didn’t like your coffee?” she asked, looking a bit confused. “I thought you loved your morning coffee.”

“I do,” I replied with a nonchalant smile. “I’m just not in the mood for coffee this morning, I’m afraid.”

Selina looked at me for a moment, then nodded and poured the cup of coffee down the sink. I felt a bit bad for wasting it, but I needed to find out if the coffee had something to do with my wolf’s sleepiness. Maybe the caffeine was interacting strangely with my body due to the pregnancy.

Edrick was waiting for Ella and I in the foyer when we walked out. He smiled at us as the elevator doors opened, but what he said in the elevator baffled me.

“I heard you didn’t want your coffee this morning.”

I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow and look at Edrick with a bit of confusion. Why did it seem as though both Selina and Edrick were overly concerned about whether I drank my coffee or not that morning?

“Yeah,” I said as the elevator doors opened to the lobby and we stepped out. “I didn’t want the caffeine this morning.”

“Hmm.” Edrick almost seemed a little bit put off by that, which I thought was strange. However, he didn’t bring it up again, and instead had pleasant conversation with Ella and myself as we walked to school. By the time we arrived and waved goodbye, I had almost forgotten about it.

However, as I taught my classes that day, I noticed that Mina’s energy was indeed higher than it had been recently. In fact, by the time school was out and I walked out of the school with Ella, Mina’s energy seemed almost normal again.

Maybe it was just the caffeine interacting poorly with my body because of the pregnancy.

“Hi, daddy!” Ella said as we walked up to meet him. Edrick grinned and crouched down to let Ella climb up onto his shoulders. As he stood once more, however, I noticed something.

He was holding a smoothie in his hand.


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