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His Nanny Mate (Moana and Edrick Morgan) novel Chapter 226

#Chapter 226: Patrol


“Moana… Just… Go inside.”

Moana’s eyes widened. She glared at me for a long moment before she took off like a bolt of lightning into the house.

Maybe I was being a little too harsh when she was only trying to at least help me carry the bags inside, but the property wasn’t fully secured yet and I didn’t want her standing out in the open if someone was trying to hunt her down. Maybe tomorrow, when the property was deemed safe, she could go outside with her bodyguard. But for now, she needed to be inside where it was safe.

“Should I go after her, Mr. Morgan?” Kat asked.

I nodded. “You don’t have to be right next to her if she doesn’t want it. But at the very least, keep an eye on her whereabouts.”

Moana’s bodyguard nodded understandingly, then took off after Moana. I sighed as I heard the echoes of Kat calling Moana’s name.

Of course I felt bad for suddenly ripping her away and not being specific about why we were leaving so frantically, but I had no choice. There wasn’t enough time to explain everything, and I didn’t even know how I would say it yet.

Last night, I was almost one hundred percent certain that my mother was forced off of the phone with my father. I didn’t know if my mom knew something before I mentioned it to her, or if she was only like me and just had her own suspicions before I confirmed it for her.

Either way, I took my mother’s advice and got the hell out of town.

Moana was on the verge of shifting. I could sense it when she was sleeping last night; her wolf’s power was starting to surge. Within a couple of days, she would certainly shift. And I was pretty sure that my dad knew that as well, and he would either come after her himself or send more Rogues to get the job done.

“You’re being too harsh on her.” Selina’s voice suddenly caught my attention.

I let out a grunt as I pulled the bags out of the car, and only cast her a brief glance over my shoulder. “She’ll understand eventually,” I replied. “It’s for the best.”

Selina walked around to face me and suddenly grabbed my arm with more strength than I expected from a woman her age. “It won’t be for the best if she resents you for keeping her in the dark,” she insisted. “You need to talk to her.”

I nodded. “I will talk to her. Just… Not right now. If I told her earlier, she might have put up more of a fuss and insisted on staying in the penthouse. Sometimes she thinks that she’s capable of more than she really is, and I just wanted to make sure that she was somewhere safe before I told her the truth.”

The old housekeeper didn’t seem to like this. Her lips pressed themselves into a thin line, and she released her grip on my arm. I watched as she turned around to walk away, took a few steps, then stopped and turned back to face me.

“Moana is more capable than you realize.”

That was all she said. Before I could say anything else, — not that I had anything else to say anyway — she stormed off and disappeared into the house.

Maybe Selina was right; maybe Moana was more capable than I realized. But that was a risk that I wasn’t willing to take right now.

It was dark out when I slowly stepped out into the back garden. The moon was out, and it was well after dinnertime. Moana and Ella both refused to leave their rooms for the entire day, but I didn’t really care.


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