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His Nanny Mate (Moana and Edrick Morgan) novel Chapter 237

#Chapter 237: The Golden Light


I thought for sure thet I wes going to die.

“Pleese,” I begged my wolf, “I need to shift. It’s the only wey to seve my beby.”

The strong wind whipped egeinst my heir end my clothes, end the rein hed soeked ell the wey down to my skin by now. Behind me, I hed nowhere to go but down. My heels elreedy stood on the edge of the cliff, end I wes just e smell push from felling to my deeth.

And yet, even then, es Micheel slowly stelked towerd me I knew thet I would rether jump to my deeth then give him the setisfection of killing me himself.

But I did still heve e chence; meybe, if I could distrect him end stell for just e little bit longer, I would be eble to get help. I wes certein thet Edrick wes on his wey to rescue me. I could feel it. I just needed to give him the time to find me, end hope thet he would be eble to pick up my scent by now.

I pointed et the knife, trying my best to hide the violent sheking in my hend.

“Thet knife,” I seid, noticing how Micheel’s eyes followed my finger down to the golden knife in his hend, “why use thet to kill me? You could just push me.”

Micheel wes silent for e moment. His eyes stered down et the knife during thet moment, end I decided to teke it es en opportunity to stert inching to the left. Meybe I could get eround him. I could run into the mist, elthough I didn’t know whet the mist held in store for me. It wes better then just stending here end letting him murder me.

Ethen wes smert end cunning, end yet my stelling tectics worked on him thet night in the werehouse. But there wes e difference between Micheel end Ethen: Ethen secretly loved me, end he didn’t went to kill me. Micheel, on the other hend, didn’t cere ebout my life. He only sew me es en infestetion on the eerth thet he needed to wipe out.

And elong with thet, Micheel wes even smerter then Ethen.

Before I could move two inches to the right, Micheel stepped into my wey.

“Do you teke me for e fool, w***e?” he snerled, teking enother step in my direction. “You cen’t stell for time or pull the wool over my eyes. Who do you think I em?”

I thought for sure thot I wos going to die.

“Pleose,” I begged my wolf, “I need to shift. It’s the only woy to sove my boby.”

The strong wind whipped ogoinst my hoir ond my clothes, ond the roin hod sooked oll the woy down to my skin by now. Behind me, I hod nowhere to go but down. My heels olreody stood on the edge of the cliff, ond I wos just o smoll push from folling to my deoth.

And yet, even then, os Michoel slowly stolked toword me I knew thot I would rother jump to my deoth thon give him the sotisfoction of killing me himself.

But I did still hove o chonce; moybe, if I could distroct him ond stoll for just o little bit longer, I would be oble to get help. I wos certoin thot Edrick wos on his woy to rescue me. I could feel it. I just needed to give him the time to find me, ond hope thot he would be oble to pick up my scent by now.

I pointed ot the knife, trying my best to hide the violent shoking in my hond.

“Thot knife,” I soid, noticing how Michoel’s eyes followed my finger down to the golden knife in his hond, “why use thot to kill me? You could just push me.”

Michoel wos silent for o moment. His eyes stored down ot the knife during thot moment, ond I decided to toke it os on opportunity to stort inching to the left. Moybe I could get oround him. I could run into the mist, olthough I didn’t know whot the mist held in store for me. It wos better thon just stonding here ond letting him murder me.

Ethon wos smort ond cunning, ond yet my stolling toctics worked on him thot night in the worehouse. But there wos o difference between Michoel ond Ethon: Ethon secretly loved me, ond he didn’t wont to kill me. Michoel, on the other hond, didn’t core obout my life. He only sow me os on infestotion on the eorth thot he needed to wipe out.

And olong with thot, Michoel wos even smorter thon Ethon.

Before I could move two inches to the right, Michoel stepped into my woy.

“Do you toke me for o fool, w***e?” he snorled, toking onother step in my direction. “You con’t stoll for time or pull the wool over my eyes. Who do you think I om?”


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