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His Nanny Mate (Moana and Edrick Morgan) novel Chapter 30

Nanny and the Alpha Daddy
#Chapter 30: PR Problems

When I woke up the following morning to the sun streaming in through my window, Edrick was already gone. Yawning, I sat up and threw the covers off of myself before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and standing.

Ella was already wide awake when I left my room. In fact it seemed that the other ser vants were also wide awake, and all of them were standing in the living room with their wide eyes glued to the television. I furrowed my brow as I approached, finding this behavior strange — especially for Selina, who was nervously clutching her apron.

“What’s going on?” I asked as I joined the group. Amy merely raised her finger to her lips, then pointed at the television screen. I followed her finger, my own eyes widening as I saw what was being broadcasted.

On the screen was a reporter standing in front of a crowd. Behind her, the crowd was marching back and forth with picket signs that depicted anti-werewolf sentiments, as well as images of both WereCorp’s logo and Edrick’s face with big, red X’s painted over them.

“As of right now, WereCorp’s youngest CEO, Edrick Morgan, has not made an official statement about the unequal pay between human and werewolf employees,” the reporter said, holding her finger to her ear and shouting over the din of the protesters behind her as they chanted “Equal pay for equal work!”

The reporter continued: “According to recent speculation, there are reports that werewolves are being paid ten percent more than their human counterparts, in both the offices and the factories, for the same work. Some even believed that the Alpha CEO deliberately made a large donation to a local orphanage just yesterday in an attempt to assuage these claims and create a positive image for the company, but the footage from earlier this morning has completely turned that attempt on its head.”

Just then, a video clip popped up on the screen. It showed Sophia and the children from the orphanage standing outside the WereCorp headquarters; Edrick walked past with his briefcase, completely ignoring them. One of the children tried to reach out and give him a handmade thank-you card, but he deliberately moved out of the way, as though the child’s display of appreciation disgusted him, then pulled a w*d of cash out of his wallet and tossed it at the child’s feet. The footage cut out just as a security guard stormed out the door and began to usher the children away from the door, with the video pausing for several moments on one of the children’s scared, crying faces.

Suddenly, the TV screen went dark. I looked up to see Selina holding the remote, her lips pressed into a thin, hard line.

“Get back to work, you two,” she said, addressing Amy and Lily. “No more of this nonsense. It’s not even nine o’clock in the morning.”











Selina was right; Ella didn’t need to be seeing this sort of thing at her age, and especially not first thing in the morning.

“Come on, Ella,” I said, reaching out to take the little girl’s hand and leading her to her room. “Let’s get you a bath. If you’re good, we can have crepes for breakfast.”

I led her to her room, where I closed the door tightly behind us and walked over to the adjoined bathroom to start running the bath. While the tub began to fill with steaming hot water, I returned to her room to open the curtains and the windows and to let some fresh air in.


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