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His Nanny Mate (Moana and Edrick Morgan) novel Chapter 44

#Chapter 44: Morning Sickness


I woke up the next morning with a strange feeling in my stomach. My head hurt after being kept up all night from having too many dreams, but as I tried to get out of bed and suddenly felt a wave of unmistakable nausea come over me, I knew that that feeling couldn’t have just been from the nightmares.

Groaning and holding my tender stomach, I scrambled out of bed and over to the bathroom just before vomiting.

When I was finished, I took a deep breath and grabbed the edge of the sink, pulling myself up from where I had been kneeling on the floor in front of the toilet. My face looked pale and I had dark circles under my eyes.

“Are you okay, Moana?” a tiny voice suddenly said from the doorway, making me jump. I looked over to see Ella standing there, still in her pajamas.

“Yes, love,” I said gently as I squeezed some toothpaste onto my toothbrush so I could scrub away the sour taste of vomit in my mouth. “I think I just ate something bad yesterday.”

Ella stayed there while I brushed my teeth, gripping the hem of her shirt with a concerned look on her face. “Are you gonna go to the doctor?” she asked.

I spit out the foamy toothpaste in my mouth and shook my head as I watched it go down the drain. “No. I’ll be fine.”

Ella, however, didn’t sound convinced. “Whenever I throw up, daddy and Selina make me go to the doctor’s for a checkup,” she insisted. “I think you should go, too.” The concern in the little girl’s voice was sweet, but it also made me sigh deeply. I had already upset Edrick by faking sickness on the night of Ethan’s exhibit; I highly doubted that he would believe me if I suddenly went to him again and asked for sick time off after that. He would probably accuse me of lying, especially now that our professional relationship was so distant and strained.

But as the feeling of nausea started to bubble up in my stomach again and my head started to spin, I knew that it would be the wisest decision to have a doctor look at me.

“Okay,” I said, gently guiding Ella away from the bathroom before I inevitably vomited again. “I’ll go to the doctor. Go see if Selina has breakfast for you, okay?”

“Okay.” Ella sounded uncertain about leaving me, but she complied and skittered off to the kitchen before I hurled into the toilet for the second time that morning.

Once that was over, I was certain that there was nothing left in my stomach to throw up. I shakily slipped on a comfortable dress and did my best to fix up my appearance before shuffling out to the living room with my purse in my hand. Edrick was sitting at the small round table with his cup of coffee when I entered the room, and Ella was sitting across from him with her plate of toast and bacon. Edrick didn’t look up when I entered, as though I was another one of the maids.

“See, daddy?” Ella said, her mouth full of toast as she pointed at me. “Moana is sick.”

Edrick glanced up at me over his newspaper and briefly took in my appearance before looking back down. “Mhm.”

“She’s right,” I said, my hands shaking as I clutched my purse. “I need to go to the doctor. I hope you don’t mind if I take some more sick time today.”

“Go ahead.” Once again, Edrick did not look at me.

“Thank you,” I said. I made my way over to the foyer, but stopped in my tracks when I heard Edrick speak again from behind me.

“I hope it’s real this time.” His voice was cold and bitter with a hint of sarcasm behind it. I had already been feeling more emotional than usual lately, and his nasty attitude only made it worse.

Without thinking, I spun around to glare at him. “Do you need to be so sarcastic?” I asked, my voice shaking.

Edrick didn’t reply.

I had been waiting in the examination room for nearly an hour when the doctor finally came in. He was unapologetic about the long wait, but it was something I was used to at this point as a human in this world dominated by werewolves.

“Moana Fowler?” he asked, to which I nodded. “What brings you in today?”

“I woke up this morning with a terrible migraine and nausea,” I said. “I threw up twice already and have been shaky since then.”

“Hm…” He typed my symptoms into his laptop, his brow furrowed. “Have you eaten anything bad, do you think?”

“I assume it’s food poisoning, but I don’t recall eating anything suspicious. All of my food is prepared in a very clean environment by people who know what they’re doing, and I haven’t gone out to eat in a long time.”

Just then, as I spoke, I felt another wave of nausea come over me. The doctor, seeing this, quickly grabbed a small blue bag specifically meant for situations like this and handed it to me. I threw up into it, although it was mostly bile now that there was nothing in my stomach. When I was finished, he nodded to himself and stood.

“Saa, daddy?” Ella said, har mouth full of toast as sha pointad at ma. “Moana is sick.”

Edrick glancad up at ma ovar his nawspapar and briafly took in my appaaranca bafora looking back down. “Mhm.”

“Sha’s right,” I said, my hands shaking as I clutchad my pursa. “I naad to go to tha doctor. I hopa you don’t mind if I taka soma mora sick tima today.”

“Go ahaad.” Onca again, Edrick did not look at ma.

“Thank you,” I said. I mada my way ovar to tha foyar, but stoppad in my tracks whan I haard Edrick spaak again from bahind ma.

“I hopa it’s raal this tima.” His voica was cold and bittar with a hint of sarcasm bahind it. I had alraady baan faaling mora amotional than usual lataly, and his nasty attituda only mada it worsa.

Without thinking, I spun around to glara at him. “Do you naad to ba so sarcastic?” I askad, my voica shaking.


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