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His Nanny Mate (Moana and Edrick Morgan) novel Chapter 94

#Chapter 94: Favorite Girls


A few days passed after that. I had a hard time getting over what Edrick said to me in my room that night: that he couldn’t stop thinking about me. Was that true? Why, then, did he try to sleep with another woman? If he really couldn’t stop thinking about me in the same way that I couldn’t stop thinking about him, why couldn’t we just admit our feelings to one another and be done with it? Even if we couldn’t be public with our relationship, part of me still wanted to see if we could make it work in a private setting.

Eventually, the day of the banquet came. While there was still a large part of me that just wanted to make an excuse to not go and hide in the penthouse instead, I knew that I had to be there for Ella.

On the morning of the banquet, I came out of my room to find that Selina had already prepared a large breakfast for Ella and me. Ella was already sitting at the table, happily shoveling pancakes into her mouth, while Selina poured my coffee for me.

“Wow,” I said as I approached, temporarily forgetting my anxiety about the banquet. “This is nice, Selina. Thank you.”

Selina nodded. “You’ve both got a long day ahead of you, so I wanted to make sure you have a good breakfast. Take a seat.”

I smiled and sat across from Ella. A plate of pancakes, bacon, and fresh fruit sat in front of me. Selina finished pouring my coffee, which I sipped gratefully before starting to dig into my breakfast.

“Now,” Selina said, wiping her hands on her apron and then retrieving her small datebook from her apron pocket, “let’s see…” She opened the datebook, slipping her glasses onto her nose and reading for a moment. “Ella, you’ll be getting your hair done at eleven… And Moana, you’ll have your own hair and makeup stylist coming at noon.”

My eyes widened just as I was about to take a bite of my pancake. I lowered the fork, furrowing my brow. “That must be a mistake,” I said with a chuckle. “I don’t have a stylist for these sorts of things.”

Selina only shrugged and stuffed her datebook back in her pocket. “Mr. Morgan booked one for you,” she said.

I was astonished. Edrick really booked a hair and makeup stylist for me? He’d never done that before for either of the events we went to, and never even mentioned it. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was just trying to butter me up by doing this, but I had to admit that there was a little part of me that secretly hoped that he was trying to doll me up because he was going to announce my pregnancy to his family at the banquet.

But, no. That would be ridiculous; I knew that he wouldn’t be telling the rest of his family for quite a while. After all, according to him, his father could potentially do something to the baby this early on in the pregnancy. Even just the thought of it made me hold my belly protectively.

Either way, I didn’t put up a fuss. I finished eating, then gave Ella her bath and got her ready for her appointment, which she wasn’t particularly excited for. Ella, however, was a good girl as always and didn’t put up a fuss either, and was as polite as can be to the stylist when she finally arrived.

Not long after they began to do her hair for the banquet, my own stylist arrived: an older, well-dressed man by the name of Tyrus. As he stepped out of the elevator, I was shocked by his impeccable style and perfect hair. He even wore a bit of gold eyeshadow that made his brown eyes pop out.

“You must be Moana,” he said, walking up to me with a smile and holding out his hand. “I’m Tyrus.”

“Nice to meet you,” I replied.

“Can I offer you some tea, Tyrus?” Selina asked, seemingly already familiar with the man. Tyrus shook his head.


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