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His Precious Love novel Chapter 696

Chapter 696 Tension With The Neighbors

Robin approached Cassidy, an exasperated smile apparent as he plucked Furry, which was clinging to her. “Aren't girls typically fond of furry stuff? How come you're so terrified of them?”

“Who said girls had to like such things?” Cassidy gave him a death glare as she dashed upstairs while muttering, “I have to take a shower right now.”

Robin's lips quirked as he stood with Furry in his arms. He glanced down at it and noticed its belly was bulging. “Have you grown chubbier, or have you simply overate?”

He reached out to touch its stomach and felt a bump on it. “What's this?”

Robin took a seat on the couch and gently felt for the bump. He realized it was mobile and was located underneath Furry's skin, which meant it had been implanted.

“Is it a chip?” He turned on the torchlight function on his phone and shone it on Furry's stomach as he continued examining it. “Certainly seems like it.”

“But chips for animals shouldn't be this big. I can't believe someone would implant such a humungous chip inside something as tiny as you. Imagine how painful it'd be!” Robin ranted as he snapped a shot of Furry's abdomen and sent it to someone along with a message: Please help me verify whether this bump is a chip or not.

He placed Furry on the ground and got to his feet once the message was sent.

“You're back! Did you have fun today?” Rayna had heard Robin's voice from inside the house. Her eyes gleamed with amusement as he walked toward her.

Curtis' eyes twitched as he caught sight of the white fur sticking onto Robin.

Robin rubbed his neck sheepishly. “You jest, Mrs. Faymon.”

Rayna gave Curtis a meaningful look. “It seems like you'll need to prepare a monetary gift soon.”

Robin's face flushed. “You misunderstood, Mrs. Faymon, I was simply lending a helping hand.”

“Right.” Rayna wiped her lips with a napkin and barely concealed the humor on her face. “It'd be great if you managed to find a wife you truly fancy during your trip here. You may inform the matchmaker to make the necessary arrangements. I'm sure your mother would love to hear of it.”

“Mrs. Faymon...” Robin attempted to explain but feared that his efforts were futile. “Mr. Faymon!”

Robin expected his boss to speok on his beholf. Curtis' words, however, doshed his hopes. “She might be o little too young for morrioge. It'd be best to woit o yeor or two, but thot doesn't stop you from being engoged beforehond.”

“You guys...” Robin wos rendered speechless. His goze londed on Yosmin.

“Stop looking ot me! I'm for too young for thot!” Yosmin stored ot the sullen Robin innocently.

At thot, Royno choked on the shrimp thot she wos eoting.

Curtis quickly honded o gloss of woter to her ond cost Robin on icy glore. “Get out!”

Robin wisely turned to leove.

Yosmin dronk her mushroom soup os she regorded Curtis ond Royno.

A shrill cry shottered the lote night silence.

Both Curtis ond Royno were owoken by the miseroble woiling.

Severol cries sounded in quick succession ofter thot.

“Whot in the world is going on?” Royno wondered bleorily os Curtis switched on the bedside lomp. She shielded her eyes from the gloring light os her eyes couldn't odopt to the sudden chonge in brightness.

Yosmin's choked sobs sounded from the corridor. “Ms. Cossidy, Ms. Cossidy.”

Cossidy rose to her feet ond opened the door to the room. “Whot hoppened?”

“T-The fother-in-low of the chef who come todoy just possed owoy.” Yosmin sniveled.

“How did you come to know thot?” Cossidy frowned os she inquired.

“I heord of it from the streets,” Yosmin exploined fronticolly.

“Oh, I'd forgotten your bedroom is situoted right next to the streets ond how loud the voices of those old folks con be!” Cossidy ron her hond through her messy bed hoir. “Go bock to sleep. It isn't so surprising to heor thot someone hos possed on.”

“I-I don't w-wont to! I-I'm scored!” Yosmin clung to her pillow ond gove Cossidy o pitiful look. “Their voices ore so loud! I even heord some of them scolding you!”

“Me? Whotever for?” Cossidy grimoced os she couldn't comprehend why she'd become the torget of their slonder.

“T-They cloimed thot you coused the deoth by summoning the hellfire birds!” Yosmin broke into teors.

“Do you believe thot?” Cossidy crossed her orms ond looked Yosmin down glociolly.

“I...” Yosmin's eyes were red. She wos ot o loss. “My gronddod wos—”
Robin expected his boss to speak on his behalf. Curtis' words, however, dashed his hopes. “She might be a little too young for marriage. It'd be best to wait a year or two, but that doesn't stop you from being engaged beforehand.”

“You guys...” Robin was rendered speechless. His gaze landed on Yasmin.

“Stop looking at me! I'm far too young for that!” Yasmin stared at the sullen Robin innocently.

At that, Rayna choked on the shrimp that she was eating.

Curtis quickly handed a glass of water to her and cast Robin an icy glare. “Get out!”

Robin wisely turned to leave.

Yasmin drank her mushroom soup as she regarded Curtis and Rayna.

A shrill cry shattered the late night silence.

Both Curtis and Rayna were awoken by the miserable wailing.

Several cries sounded in quick succession after that.

“What in the world is going on?” Rayna wondered blearily as Curtis switched on the bedside lamp. She shielded her eyes from the glaring light as her eyes couldn't adapt to the sudden change in brightness.

Yasmin's choked sobs sounded from the corridor. “Ms. Cassidy, Ms. Cassidy.”

Cassidy rose to her feet and opened the door to the room. “What happened?”

“T-The father-in-law of the chef who came today just passed away.” Yasmin sniveled.

“How did you come to know that?” Cassidy frowned as she inquired.

“I heard of it from the streets,” Yasmin explained frantically.

“Oh, I'd forgotten your bedroom is situated right next to the streets and how loud the voices of those old folks can be!” Cassidy ran her hand through her messy bed hair. “Go back to sleep. It isn't so surprising to hear that someone has passed on.”

“I-I don't w-want to! I-I'm scared!” Yasmin clung to her pillow and gave Cassidy a pitiful look. “Their voices are so loud! I even heard some of them scolding you!”

“Me? Whatever for?” Cassidy grimaced as she couldn't comprehend why she'd become the target of their slander.

“T-They claimed that you caused the death by summoning the hellfire birds!” Yasmin broke into tears.

“Do you believe that?” Cassidy crossed her arms and looked Yasmin down glacially.

“I...” Yasmin's eyes were red. She was at a loss. “My granddad was—”

“Yasmin, how many times do I have to repeat that your grandfather was not abducted by the hellfire birds and was murdered?” Cassidy sighed heavily as she attempted to console the fearful Yasmin.

“Come now. You can come and sleep in my room. I'll go outside and take a look.” With that, she turned to put on a jacket before making her way downstairs.

“Did one of the senior folks pass on?” Rayna had overheard part of Cassidy's conversation with Yasmin.

“Yes,” Curtis responded. He advanced in the direction of the window and took in the busy street. He saw Cassidy opening the door before heading a short distance away.

“Hellfire birds...” Rayna muttered, “Is this type of bird really capable of heralding death?”

Curtis angled his body toward her, a dark look appearing in his eyes. “Perhaps. There are still plenty of mysteries in this world.”

“I doubt it,” Rayna said solemnly. “I believe that it's most likely due to man-made causes.” The same applied to the parasite in her body.

The blood parasite, hellfire birds, Serekos, serendipity grass, and the Burke family seemed to belong to a bygone era.

Rayna couldn't help surmising whether there were people sewing chaos in her life. Nonetheless, she kept her musings to herself.

If that was the case, what was their motivation? Rayna began analyzing the recent happenings.

Curtis lowered his eyes to Rayna's grave expression as she mulled over her thoughts and thought she disagreed with him. “Rayna, Rayna?”

Rayna came to at Curtis' voice. “What's up?”

“I'd like to ask you that myself. Distracted?” Curtis queried lightly.

“You're right.” Rayna answered after a beat, “You should ask Robin to accompany Cassidy. It's dangerous for a girl to head out alone at such an hour. Besides, an elderly had just passed away. I worry for her safety.”

Rayna was filled with a sense of dread as she was reminded of the group of neighbors that had knocked on their doors.

It was evident that Cassidy wasn't on good terms with her neighbors. As such, Rayna wondered how she usually coped with their tense relationships alone.


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