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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1000

"I promised you that I will do whatever you say as long as it is within my capacity. But Aunt Donna, if what you want is for me to leave George, then I will have to politely refuse." Holley stared into Donna's eyes fearlessly and stayed awefully calm in the tensed room.

"Hmph!" Donna scoffed. She smiled sarcastically and said in an ironic tone, "I know that you won't let go of my son that easily."

After watching Donna look down on Holley, George couldn't stay silent anymore. He finally said in a serious tone, "Mom, Holley is my fiancee. I wish you would show her some respect."

Holley reached out to touch his hand and shook her head, asking him to stop. She forced a half smile and reassured him, "It doesn't matter, George. We came here today to solve our problems. So I don't mind her attitude towards me."

Her kind words melted away George's anger. Satisfied with his reaction, she turned around to face Donna. "Aunt Donna, you are his mother. So it's understandable that you are being protective of your son. But my relationship with George is our business. We can't break our lives apart just because of some disagreements between us."

Holley put on a soft smile. "I invite you to dinner today because I want to apologize to you. After all, we will soon be a family. I don't want to see George fall into a dilemma because of the issues between you and me.

I don't care how much you humiliate me, but I will not give up on my love for George," Holley stood erect and said in an aggressive voice.

"Stop dreaming!" Donna growled. She was now seething in anger. "You insulted me in front of my staff. And now, you want me to forgive you. Did you really think that a simple apology would suffice to win me over?"

"I..." Holley was dumbfounded by her sudden question. She tried to explain, "Aunt Donna, I recognize that I made a grave mistake. I lost my temper and I said something out of line. But I...I was having a difficult time yesterday. It was an extremely important day for me. I was in a bad mood all day. I apologize for my outburst. I forgot my place and I let you and the company down. I'm very sorry."

"No one cares about your personal problems and difficulties," Donna scoffed at her without showing any pity.

"And I don't need your apology. All I want is for you to leave my son alone. And you better listen to me while I'm still asking politely. If not..." Donna glared at Holley and let her words trail on a threatening note.

Since George had fallen so hardly in love with Holley, Donna didn't want him to know what kind of person she truly was unless it was necessary. But if Holley planned on keeping up this farce, then she would be forced to expose her true identity to George.

"Mom, that's enough!" George exclaimed out of indignation. George couldn't believe that such words were spoken by his own mother. He was devastated by her behavior towards his fiancee. He asked in despair, "When did you become so cruel? Why can't you just understand her? Don't you know that yesterday was her mother's death anniversary? It is understandable that she was having a bad day."

George stared at Donna with a wronged expression as he continued admonishing her, "I really don't understand what's going on in your mind. I've already proposed to Holley and we invited you here today hoping that we could solve our differences. But now that things have gotten worse, I'm making myself clear to you right now… whether you agree or not, I will marry Holley."


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