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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1028

"Holley Ye! Don't you dare do anything rash, you hear me?" Donna's eyebrows knitted into a tight frown as she warned Holley standing in front of her. "Let me remind you of your promise. Engrave your words deeply in your mind. Because once you dare to badger George again after taking my money, I swear, I will not spare you."

Holley flashed a harsh sneer on her face. "Take it easy." She looked at the furious Donna in front of her, unaffected by Donna's threat, and assured, "I am a woman of my word. If you also keep your end of the promise, then I won't absolutely let you down. I will finally end things between me and George."

Holley's words didn't assure Donna at all. Instead, her words made her sneer with coldness. She felt the desperate need to end the conversation with Holley, so she immediately stood up from her seat. Before she left, she looked at Holley and asked, "I believe we have nothing else to talk about. I will take my leave first."

"Aunt Donna," Holley stood and called out in attempt to stop her. Donna turned her attention to Holley and waited for whatever she was about to say next. Before Holley could open her mouth to speak, her cell phone began to ring. She glanced at the screen and found that the caller ID was George. Holley picked up the phone and turned to give Donna a suggestive smile. "Please, Aunt Donna, sit back. I just have to answer George's call first before continuing our conversation."

Donna's eyes widened slightly. She was stunned by George's sudden call to Holley and was a little confused. 'Why is George calling Holley at this moment? Shouldn't he be with Sula right now and on their way to pick up Sula's parents?'

Holley immediately answered the call and acted as if she was still in the same intimate relationship as she was with George before everything that had happened. With a tender and sweet voice, she asked, "George, honey, what's wrong? Aren't you busy? Did something happen?"

On the other end of the call, George was sitting on his car while he waited for Sula. Hearing Holley's voice, he flashed a little sneer on his face and asked in a calm tone, "Holley, where are you? It's difficult for me to find time to visit you, but why aren't you at home right now?"

Panic rose from Holley's chest as soon as George asked her. In haste, she replied, "I just went out to have tea with a friend. Please, wait for me and I'll be back soon. This won't take long."

"You went out with a friend for tea?" George repeated and paused for a while, as if pondering over the veracity of her statement. He then pushed these thoughts away and said, "Well, since you are pregnant now, the most important thing that you have to keep in mind is to be in a happy and comfortable mood. Enjoy your tea date with your friend. I have to rush back to work now. Take your time, and don't hurry back to meet me. Just enjoy, okay?"

With a smirk forming on his face, he added, "Take care of yourself. I'll come back to visit you next time."

Without waiting for Holley's response, George immediately ended the call. As soon as the call ended, a smirk formed on Holley's face as well. She turned to face Donna again, who stayed in her spot. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for a while. George always craves for my company and is even unwilling to part with me. To be honest, thinking about the time that I will separate from him makes me feel that I won't be able to get used to not having him around."

Donna eyed Holley. She chose not to reply from that, knowing that there was clearly something behind. Holley then took this as cue to finish what they had started. "Well, you see, Aunt Donna, there's a thing… that I think I need to remind you of necessarily."

Donna frowned and replied, "What the heck is it that you want to say?"

Holley shrugged. "Well, as you can see, my relationship with George is fairly good and still stable. After all, I have been with him for a long time now. The longer we stay together, the harder it will be for us to separate from each other and the more pain it will cost him to suffer, so..." Holley paused dramatically as she stared at Donna, sending her a warning as well. "So, Aunt Donna, I think you have to give me a good and exact timing. Otherwise, if the situation goes on like this… your son, George, is the one who well get hurt the most."

"In a week." Donna's forehead creased as she glared at Holley and gave her an exact promise like she asked. "I will give you what you want at most a week."

Holley frowned slightly and in a dissatisfied tone, she asked, "In a week? Isn't that too long?"

"Although I am entirely willing to give you what you want—a big company and such a large sum of money, you still have to give me some time to arrange all of it." Donna's eyebrows arched slightly and she added, "Moreover, even though the company is my property, there are still shareholders who own shares under me. I have to get their consent first to implement the change, haven't I?"

Holley eyed Donna and hesitated for a moment. Even though she wanted to get all they had bargained right away, she was convinced that Donna was right. Finally, Holley nodded and warned Donna, "Well then, I will wait for a week. However, I have to warn you, Aunt Donna, that even though I am patient enough to wait, I still have a bad temper. If I won't get what I want in a week, then you should never have requested me to break up with George, because as long as I live, I will never separate from him."


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