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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1032

Caspar and Lizzy shared looks with each other, not really knowing how to react with the news. It was just really surprising for both of them. They did not really expect Donna to just hand over her shares to their daughter!

'Donna is willing to hand her shares over to my daughter, which shows her sincerity, ' Sula's parents mulled.

Despite of the extravagant gift, there was still the hesitancy, on the part of Caspar, to marry his daughter off to George. It was public knowledge that there was something between George and Holley. He did not want his daughter to suffer in the future, if ever.

If her parents were surprised with Donna's generosity, it was jaw-dropping for Sula. Her eyes grew wide. 'Oh my! Is this for real?!' she thought. "Umm…Auntie, I can't accept your offer. Ah...D-Don't you think it's too much?" Sula asked stammering. Afraid that Donna misunderstood that she decided to marry George for his money, she hurriedly explained, "I choose George above all, not the things that come and may come with him..." Then, a look of concern registered on her face. 'I hope she felt what's really in my heart, ' Sula prayed.

Donna did not realize she was holding her breath until she exhaled slowly. 'I didn't expect this is how she really feels, ' she thought. 'She's different from the other girls I encountered.' Then, she gave her a big, genuine smile. "I know," she simply answered her. "I have already given this a lot of thought since I learned that you are pregnant. The company will be yours while I will enjoy my retirement by taking care of my future grandchild."

"Are you sure that this is really a good idea?" Sula was thinking that her future mother-in-law was still strong to work and more than capable enough to manage a company. She believed that there were persons who were born to work and Donna fell under that category. Moreover, she feared the future of the company in her hands. She did not know anything about businesses, not to mention managing a company. She did not want something bad to happen in the company where Donna invested so much effort and sweat. She knew she had good sense, but was it enough for managing a company? "And, I don't know anything about BM Corporation? What I studied and finished wasn't even connected with it!" Sula continued reasoning.

Seeing Sula's stress, George gave her the assurance he thought she needed. "Don't worry. I am here. I will help you," he said softly. He continued assuring her, "Since mom already decided to give you all her shares, there's nothing left to do but to accept it. You will be the new owner of BM, and I will take care of it." As a joke, to ease the tension, he said laughingly, "Looks like I will be working for you." And everyone laughed with him.

With the way the conversation turned, Caspar and Lizzy felt somehow relieved. Seeing that George agreed with the transfer of shares, they believed that George was serious in marrying their daughter. For if not, why would he go along with Donna's decision?

Despite of George's assurance, Sula was still a bit apprehensive. Looking at him, she shook her head and told him, "No, I think I can't do this. I..."

"Of course, you can!" George cut her off with whatever she would still have to say. He couldn't believe his girl saying no to his mother's gift. It seemed that his girl still had lots of excuses not to accept. There was no other way of stopping her but by butting in and cutting her off like that. "You are the woman I am going to marry. I believe in you. To show you the beginning of my never-ending commitment to you, I promise that I will never divorce you," George said earnestly. He thought that, perhaps, this might be one of the reasons why the discussion over the company lasted for so long—her fear of him leaving her and the stake of her reputation due to accepting if ever that would happen. To emphasize he really meant what he said, he continued, "This will also be a guarantee for Uncle and Auntie, so that they will not have any second thoughts on marrying you off to me." Upon saying this, George looked at his future in-laws.

Caspar and Lizzy could not believe what they heard. They were so surprised! They did not think that George had it in his bones to commit like that! "A-Are you sure?" Caspar asked. He looked at George in the eye. Despite of the given promise, Caspar could still not help but ask George cautiously. Anyway, promises were made to be broken, as the saying went.

"Yes, I am!" George answered vehemently, not really surprised with the question. If he were also the father, he would definitely feel and do the same. "Uncle, this is MY PROMISE to Sula." George couldn't help but emphasize the two words. He hoped that he effectively delivered his intentions across them.

But still, Caspar and Lizzy exchanged glances, and hesitancy still mirrored on their faces.

The exchanged looks between husband and wife did not escape Donna, George and Sula. Still, the three patiently waited for Caspar's and Lizzy's final decision. Time ticked by, and there was still no word. Everybody knows that patience is a virtue. Unfortunately, it was not one of Donna's strongest assets. "What else are you worried about? Aren't you satisfied with what George has promised?" questioned Donna with the softest voice she could muster.

Caspar wistfully frowned. Though they thought it took him too long to decide, for Caspar it was better than to regret later. Without any further ado, he asked the most important question, "When are you planning to marry Sula?"

"W-W-What did you say?" a stunned George asked. HE WAS SURPRISED! Of all questions which could be asked, he wasn't ready with this. But of course, George realized instantly, there was no more question left to be asked but this.

If George felt surprised, triple that was what Caspar felt upon seeing the dumbfounded young man! He could not imagine what was so surprising with his question since they were already talking about marriage! What was the matter with the young generations lately? It seemed that they left their brains somewhere... "Now what? Having second thoughts of marrying my daughter?!"

"No, no, no! Please don't get me wrong. Why would I refuse Sula?" George defended himself, gesticulating with his hands. "It just took me by surprise, the question, that is..." 'What an idiot I am!' he wildly thought of himself.


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