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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1040

After Fanny finished explaining what she knew, Anthony and Andy looked at each other. It seemed that the person Fanny described was Allen for sure.

"Hey, why are you looking for this guy anyway?" Fanny asked them curiously.

"Don't ask. It's none of your business," Anthony replied blatantly. He stared at Fanny and continued asking her, "Tell me, did he tell you anything about where he may have been staiyng? Do you know where can we find him?"

"Well..." Fanny started to utter something, but then she stopped abruptly. It seemed like she wanted to continue, but something was preventing her. She watched Anthony intently. Anthony understood what her hesitation meant immediately. He sneered and took out another stack of cash from his wallet. But he didn't give it to Fanny directly. He waved the money to her face and said, "If you can provide me his address, the money is yours.

But if you even think about lying to me, I will make sure that you live in despair and misery every single day for the rest of your life."

"You can rest assured. I wouldn't dare to displease a man like you." Fanny's eyes twinkled with delight as she saw the money. She knew very clearly that even if she entertained six customers, she couldn't make the amount of money that Anthony offered. Moreover, it was just a few simple words that she had to say to earn it.

It really was her lucky day.

"When the man requested me, we had small talk. He asked me if I was willing to leave this place with him, and... that he would go abroad in a few days. I was tempted so I tried asking where he was living now." Fanny smiled bitterly as she continued, "You know that a woman in my line of work would like, more than anything else, to find a reliable man who could give us a better life. None of us is willing to do this forever."

She sighed, as if she pitied her own fate. "He didn't reply o me very clearly, but he mentioned some kind of junkyard. The junkyard closest to the club was in the suburb. I noticed that he didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't ask anymore."

"A junkyard? Are you sure that's what he said?" Anthony repeated.

"Yes!" Fanny nodded firmly. She told Anthony what she knew about that place. "You know what, the junkyard has been abandoned for many years. Moreover, it is far from the city, so people seldom visit there. Homeless people used to reside there, but now even they don't go there because they believe it is a haunted place."

Fanny couldn't help bad mouthing Allen. She sneered, "Humph! How ridiculous! This guy thought that he could fool me. He lives in that kind of a place while bragging that he could move abroad?"

Anthony threw the money to her and then ignored her completely. He was extremely excited since he had gotten the information on where to find Allen. He turned to Andy to check with him. Andy hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "I have had my men check it out already. The only place in the neighborhood that can provide shelter without causing any attention is the junkyard."

"Thanks!" Anthony thanked him and then turned around hastily. Since he had gotten the clue about Allen, he didn't want to waste any time. The only thing he wanted was to rescue Sue.

As Anthony hurried out, Andy tried to catch up with him.

Sheryl and Charles had been waiting outside the door. When they saw Anthony, Sheryl went forward and asked urgently, "What's going on? Have you found out where Sue is?"

"Yes, I've found out," Anthony nodded. His face was solemn. He looked at Sheryl and said, "Sher, I'm going to look for her right now. It's enough for me to go there alone. The rest of you can just go home. When I get Sue out, I'll call you."

After his statement, Anthony was about to get in the car. Andy pulled him aside and questioned, "What are you going to do to save her?"

"Just leave it to me. I have my ways," Anthony replied coldly, displeased that Andy was holding him up from going to rescue his family. In the next moment, he realized that he was being a bit offensive and so he added, "You have all been very helpful in all of this. I shouldn't involve you in anything further."


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