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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1051

"I have something to do here," Charles replied flatly. Then, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a woman. His eyes automatically turned into slits when he saw her. When he saw the rattled look on her face, a thought flashed through his mind that she deserved this.

The moment he finished his work, he went to Sheryl's workplace to pick her up only to find the cleaning staff. After a few inquiries, he learned that his wife entered a private room. Moreover, they gave him the directions to the private room where his wife had gone.

He was shocked to see the scene unfolding in front of him as he entered the room. Only his hands were visibly active as he clenched his fists while he was staring at Oliver, for he was momentarily immobile. Oliver's hand was raised up ready to slap Sheryl. Then something clicked at the back of his mind. He wanted to dash forward to beat the crap out of that bastard!

Then his eyes landed on Sheryl; somehow it softened the fury he was feeling. He started to regain his composure.

"What's going on?" he asked instead. His cold, hard voice suddenly was heard in the room. Oliver's hand froze a bit in midair, and remembering his intention, he suddenly put his hand down. "Are you guys having a party or something?" Charles continued asking emphasizing the word "something". And he didn't plan on stopping. This time, he looked at Oliver, since no one liked to answer him, and continued saying, "I heard noises here as I was walking by the hallway."

"Here is the thing, Mr. Lu," Oliver started to explain as he gave Charles his best flattering smile. "This girl here said she was your wife, which we know is impossible. We took what she said as a joke and we were amused by it," Oliver continued with his explanation.

When Charles didn't reply, Oliver continued to joke. "You better keep this from you wife. Otherwise, she will not be happy about this and will set her wrath upon you." Then, Oliver laughed out loud, finding his joke very funny.

Controlling the fury building up inside him as he listened to the lamest joke he had ever heard, Charles started nodding slightly and replied, "You are right." 'I am going to teach you a lesson you will never forget!' he thought. This time, he frowned, with an intent to reflect worry as an effect. "I came here straight from work. I am looking for my wife. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find her. I intended to drive my wife home. Perhaps you know where I can find her?"

"Mrs. Lu is here?" Oliver asked in surprise. He glanced around and whined, "Come on, Mr. Lu. Why didn't you introduce your wife to us? You should have. That way we could have treated her to a meal."

"My wife is shy. She wants to keep a low profile. Whatever my wife desires, I grant. So I just let her be," Charles replied. This time, he looked at his wife. He gave her a hard look. This was what he was trying to explain to her about keeping a low profile. Instances liked this would surely happen more in the future. And he didn't want a repeat episode of this ever again!

Sheryl saw the look on her husband's face, and that look sent shiver down her spine. To stop this trouble from getting bigger, she walked to Charles' side with her head lowered, not saying a word.

Still, after several seconds passed, Charles didn't say a word to Sheryl. 'He is really angry this time. I bet he blames me. Oh well, really, there's no one to blame but me...' she thought.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asked in a surprised tone, emphasizing each word. He scowled as he noticed Sheryl standing beside Charles. Sternly, he commanded, "Come here! You are making a fool of yourself."

Shifting his gaze on Charles, he apologized awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu. It's my fault. I should have kept her close so that she could not pester you."

He grabbed Sheryl's hand as he gave Charles his assurance and continued, "I will teach her a lesson. Next time we meet with your wife, I will bring her to apologize to both of you."

Charles lost his control as he saw Oliver reaching for his wife. He grasped Oliver's hand and jerked it away from her. Then he asked, "Is this the same hand you used to attempt to slap her?" Then, he tightened his grip on that hand which made Oliver scream.

In a soft, pleading voice, Oliver asked, "Please let me go, Mr. Lu..." 'What's the matter with him?!' he thought.

Charles let out a scornful laugh and released his hand, pushing him backward.

Oliver nursed his hand as he thought, 'What did I do?' As the pain receded, he asked, "Have I ever offended you, Mr. Lu?" He wanted to find out what was wrong. He firmly believed that he didn't deserve what Charles did to him. He didn't do anything wrong as far as he knew.

"No, you didn't," Charles replied coolly. He somehow felt relaxed after seeing Oliver's face contort in pain. Charles couldn't believe that Oliver still did not realize who his wife was. Now, he was wondering what kind of mind did Oliver really had. A slow one, he bet! For not realizing things as simple as this.

Oliver, meanwhile, was really upset upon knowing that there was no reason behind the violence he experienced. 'Nothing wrong. Nothing wrong! It's not nothing wrong if I received this kind of treatment!'

"What's wrong with you?!" he shouted. His face turned red with anger, his veins on his neck visible. He continued in his state, voice thundering inside the room, "I invited you and your wife to a meal politely. I extended you the respect I think appropriate for you. But look what you did! You stormed in here and laid a hand on me. And for nothing?!"

"I said I was looking for my wife," Charles answered, his voice devoid of any emotions. Facial expressions? Nothing. He made sure his voice matched his face. He was so sure now that, until this moment, Oliver hadn't realized anything. He wouldn't give him the time of the day if the person he was looking for wasn't here. Poor Oliver...

"So you barged in here for your wife?" 'Where the hell is his wife? It's just us here. She better shows her face soon so Mr. Lu will stop this nonsense!' he thought. To mask what he was thinking, Oliver burst into laughter, and went on, "Then where is your wife? I bet you didn't find her!" And, Oliver continued laughing.

"Oh yes, I did!" Charles answered with a contemptuous smile. "You see, she is here all the time." He put his hands on Sheryl's shoulders and slowly pulled her in front of him. Then, he walked to her side, his left hand draped over her shoulders. He was looking now at Oliver. He could see that the different emotions crossed his face. For affirmation, Charles said, "Now you see, she is my wife." Anger was boiling down deep inside him. 'The idiot! There is definitely something wrong with his brains. Why can't he believe that Sheryl is my wife?!' he scoffed inwardly.

'Hahaha! Very funny!' Oliver thought. But when he looked at Charles again, he changed his mind. He could see anger in the young man's eyes. 'It's time to change my attitude on this matter.' Oliver sniffed, "Seriously? She's your wife? You kidding me?"


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