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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1063

"What are you doing here?" Holley asked, glaring acidly at Sheryl.

"I organized George's wedding ceremony," Sheryl replied with a shrug.

"I see..." A sneer flashed across Holley's face. "I wondered why I had run into you here that night. You already knew, didn't you?"

"Yes," Sheryl admitted. "I was organizing the wedding site for George that night."

"You are on his side," Holley said through her gnashed teeth. She mocked herself on the inside. 'Donna knows about my past. Why would she ever give me the money and the company?

I was naive to think that I would get what I want. How stupid of me!'

Sheryl's eyes were on Holley as she said nonchalantly, "I'm just doing my job."

"Get out of my way!" Holley shouted at Sheryl brashly. She didn't want to waste time on her sister anymore. "I am going to ask him whether he forgets our promises. I want to know how he had the heart to desert me," she seethed.

"I will not let you in," Sheryl said as she stepped forward and stood between Holley and the entrance. "If I were in your shoes, I would turn around and leave. You already know the answers. Why bother asking?

Besides, his answers don't matter anymore. He is married now. Why do you want to rush in there and make a fool out of yourself?"

"That's none of your business!" Holley snapped, staring at Sheryl with hatred in her eyes. "This is between George and me. Get lost!"

"That's not gonna happen," Sheryl replied in a calm, but decisive tone. "Let it go. There is nothing you can do now."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Holley asked in a reproachful tone. "You could have told me that night. If you had, then I would have had the chance to get him back instead of standing here like a fool. Why did you do this to me?"

"Even if I had told you, nothing would have changed," Sheryl retorted calmly. "This is the result of your actions. Besides, this was all George's idea and he asked me not to tell you anything. So I couldn't really betray his trust."

"But I am your sister!" Holley blurted out. "Shouldn't you have been on my side?"

"Oh, yeah?" Sheryl snorted. "I remember how much someone refused to admit that I am her sister. Did you change your mind?"


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