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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1129

"Leave them to me."

Eagerly, Isla offered her help as she glanced at the reporters before leaving the backstage.

"Ms. Zhao, do you know anything about Mrs. Lu's affair?" A reporter came forward as she interviewed Isla. Since the reporters couldn't see Sheryl, they swarmed around her employee instead.

"What's going on with Mrs. Lu? She had refused it before, but why did she suddenly admit it now when Mr. Lu tried to prove her innocence?"

"Did she do this to embarrass Mr. Lu? Did she do this to make Shining Company the laughingstock?


Being bombarded with all kinds of sharp questions left Isla overwhelmed.

"I understand that you all have a lot of doubts. I will answer your questions today," Isla began curtly. Even with all the chaos around her, she maintained a diplomatic smile.

Pointing to the hall, she continued, "Everyone, please follow me. You will know what you want to know."

"Ms. Zhao, are you sure you're going to answer all of our questions?"

Skeptical, one of the reporters had to confirm.

"Yes, you heard me," Isla confirmed. "But I will only answer those who enter the hall.

You'd better hurry up if you don't want to miss the chance. I don't like to be kept waiting. Only a hundred will be permitted to enter."

As soon as she finished talking, some reporters who surrounded her ran toward the auditorium.

As she saw the remaining reporters around her, Isla stood still and smiled slightly.

Isla's composure made the persistent reporters uneasy. As they looked between Isla and their companions in the auditorium, they began to wonder whether or not they should join the others.

They were all aware that there were over a hundred reporters at the press conference. 'When she said that, she looked serious. Perhaps she meant it, ' thought the remaining journalists.

Even though they were not sure about her words, they wouldn't take the risk of losing the chance to get answers.

After all, it was big news. Once any of them got to dig something up about the case, they would easily get a raise or even promoted. Otherwise, they could get fired.

After weighing out the pros and cons, the rest made their own choices and struggled to get a spot in the auditorium.

Out of the blue, the rather annoying media finally dispersed while Isla remained where she stood. Seeing that her plan worked, she smiled, satisfied. Putting a hand behind her back, she subtly gestured to the couple waiting for her signal to get out from backstage.

Taking note of the signal, Sheryl and Charles snuck out of the press conference successfully.

Instead of handling the reporters, Isla headed straight to the police station.

As Sheryl and Charles got to the closest bank, they dashed inside and went to the counter to withdraw cash. In a panic, Sheryl's shaky hand failed to enter her PIN correctly. If she didn't have Charles by her side, she might not have been able to get the money.

Fortunately, Charles had left some money as a demand deposit. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for them to get 50 million dollars in cash within an hour.

As they put the ransom in a black sports bag, Sheryl decided to contact the kidnapper. As she got the phone ready, Charles told her that she needed to require the kidnapper to put Shirley and Clark on the phone so they could talk to them.


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