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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1161

After taking their sweet time together, Charles and Sheryl tightly threw themselves into each other's arms, feeling the warmth and love from each other's embrace. Soon, they were off to a deep sleep.

That night, Sheryl had slept really well, and undoubtedly Charles did also. However, as soon as the rising sun cast a golden glow into the room through the glass window, they both had no choice but to get up and strive for their own busy life, even though neither of them wanted to get up yet.

Sheryl's night was so wonderful, and it was the complete opposite of her morning as she drastically overhauled Cloud Advertising Company by changing her customers and employees.

She had an extremely busy day ahead of her from trying to get familiar to her new clients to training and showing her newly hired employees their applied jobs. The company hadn't been this busy for a long time now.

Sheryl knew that many of her new clients came to cooperate and coordinate with her company due to her reliability and as well as Charles' reputation. Knowing Sheryl's connection with the big time chief executive officer, no one dared to stir up any trouble. Moreover, as long as the plans could satisfy them and their career, they were willing to ignore the tiny problems the new employees were causing.

However, Sheryl was the boss, and she always sought for perfection. Even though her customers gave a blind eye on these small details, she wouldn't let these problems go no matter how small they were. She would comfort her customers as well as teach and guide her employees on how to optimize their plans and resolve these tiny details until there wasn't any problem to solve anymore.

As this teaching-by-doing technique went on for a long time, all the new staff finally got familiar with their work, and the number of problems were lessening each day as they were all able to handle their jobs smoothly.

Sheryl finally found a spare time on her day to lean back on her chair for a moment to close her eyes and take a breath. Moments later, a knock came at her door and coming in was Isla with a folder in her hand. Sheryl opened her eyes and sat up straight, looking at Isla, who had a bright smile on her face. She walked in closer to Sheryl's desk and handed her the folder. "Sher, this is the financial report for the last order. Please, make a confirmation."

"Okay, let me check," Sheryl replied as she took the report. Isla sat back on the chair in front of Sheryl's desk as Sheryl looked over the report. Seeing how her company got back on its feet and right on track placed Sheryl in a good mood these days.

As Isla watched Sheryl's eyes beam with delight, she broke the silence and offered, "Sher, shall we celebrate and relax tonight? We deserve it."

Sheryl's smile faded as she glanced back at Isla with confusion. "Celebrate? For what? Isn't it normal for our company to make money?" She looked at Isla, thinking that there was no need for a special celebration.

Isla chuckled at Sheryl's innocence, and in an excited and chirpy voice, she asked, "Do you really think there's nothing to celebrate for? Our precious company just survived against all odds! I mean, think about it. When we were at the brink of closing down, our own previous staff, not to mention our past clients as well, had lost their hope and didn't believe that Cloud Advertising Company would survive that downfall. But, how about now? Look at where we are now! We just stood taller and stronger. We have more orders than before, and we have been much better off than before! I'm starting to think that our previous staff and clients were the reason for our setbacks." Isla then started to laugh and felt pride as she spewed out the recent performance of the company as well as its achievements in a short span of time.

She smiled at Sheryl, who eventually smiled back. She felt fortunate to have listened to Sheryl's suggestion at that time, or else, this company would have remained in the hands of those non-enterprising staff. If not, as well, Cloud Advertising Company wouldn't be swimming in a pool of progress now.

Sheryl returned her gaze to the report and turned the next page before saying, "Well, it's unavoidable that the longer days those old staff worked in our company, the more languid they became. Then again, I broke off with them not because they were sluggish, but because they had insisted on leaving, and I couldn't detain them against their will. As for these new staff, I personally employed them with standards that I set myself. Only those who did high quality works can be hired into our company."

She couldn't help but feel proud of the employees she picked herself.

"So, at least, for these hard-working and outstanding staff who garnered excellent new orders for the company, don't you think you need to reward them with an excellent meal as well?" Isla just had to say it to pave the path for showing that this meal couldn't be saved.

Sherly removed her gaze from the report and stared into Isla's eyes as if asking her if she was being serious. In a playful tone, she asked, "Isla, I'm starting to doubt your allegiance to me. How could you take their side and ask me to reward them with a slap-up meal?"

With a huge smile on her face, Isla leaned over the table. "Oh, come on, Sher. You know that I never take others' side easily. I'm still on your side as always. Then again, even if I take your side, I still can't ignore the hungry beast inside my stomach, can I?" Isla said with a small pout on her face.

"Well, you could have just gotten direct to the point, you know, that you want me to be the sitting duck. You didn't have to go as far as using the new staff as an excuse to feed the beast."

Isla's cheeks started to warm as she realized that Sheryl had read through her, making her feel embarassed. She shove this feeling away and said, "Humph. I don't care about the excuses I use. You tell me, though, celebrate or not?"

Sheryl looked at her for a moment and slowly nodded, granting her wish. "Fine, fine. Now that you have opened your mouth, how could I say no? Moreover, we have received that rest of the payment, so I will treat all of you with a heaving plate. Is that enough celebration for you?" Isla nodded quickly with a huge smile on her face. Sheryl added, "However, can I trouble you with the necessary arrangements? Reserve a booth in a restaurant and notice all the employees, okay?"


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