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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1173

After circling around Dream Garden several times, Charles finally found Sheryl jogging along the sidewalk. He heaved a sigh of relief.

Sheryl showed no signs of showing down, so he quickened his pace to a quick jog and caught up with her. "What's going on, Sher? Is there anything you're unhappy about? Did you get into trouble? Whatever it is, please tell me and I'll help you solve it," he said quickly, taking long strides in order to be able to keep up with her. He still thought that Sheryl was facing some difficulties and just didn't want to trouble him.

But Sheryl ignored him and just continued jogging, not even bothering to look his way. Charles felt as though he was talking to a robot.

"Sher, what's wrong?" Charles asked again, puzzled.

He had lost count of how many times he had asked her that question. He felt as if he had asked that question more times this morning than he had throughout their entire marriage.

Sheryl continued to ignore him, which only made him worry even more.

Finally, he sped up and stood right in front of her, blocking her path. Sheryl had no choice but to acknowledge his presence. She came to a stop, glaring at him. He asked again for the umpteenth time, "Sher, what's the matter with you? Didn't you hear me talking to you?"

Sheryl's behavior was puzzling and scary at the same time. She wasn't angry, she wasn't stressed, and she wasn't scared—she was just different. It was as if she weren't his wife but just someone wearing her body. He had no clue what was going on and how to talk to her.

"Get out my way. I want to jog," Sheryl said in a distant, cold tone. It was as if she was talking to a complete stranger. Those few short words made it clear that she didn't want Charles anywhere near her.

"Since when do you exercise?" Charles questioned, as he reluctantly moved out of her way to let her resume her jogging. All of a sudden, he felt like the person in front of him was truly a stranger. He had no idea what was running through her mind and why she was so worked up. He was scared to ask her any more questions in case he ticked her off even more. If she went back into her shell and refused to talk to him, he would have no way at all to find out what was wrong.

"I have been neglecting my health for too long," Sheryl replied curtly. To be honest, she herself didn't know what was wrong with her. Just a few moments ago, she hated Charles with every fiber in her being. But when she saw Charles being so patient and persistent, she suddenly didn't have the heart to ignore him.

She couldn't bear to look at his face. She knew him well enough to know exactly what he was feeling just by his expression. Right now, it was a combination of puzzlement, disappointment, concern and also fear.

In fact, she wasn't annoyed by him following her and even his non-stop questioning.

At that moment, she realized just how much she loved Charles, to end up acting so crazy. Even though she knew that Charles was having an affair behind her back, she still refused to give up on him.

"Where did you go last night? I thought you had an office party," Charles probed. He thought that something unpleasant had happened during the party, something that she couldn't get off her mind, leaving her in a bad mood that lasted until today and made her act so weirdly.

"Yes. We had a party," Sheryl nodded as she continued jogging.

"Well...did you have a good time?" Charles tried to keep the conversation flowing. He lengthened his stride to keep up with Sheryl's jogging. He didn't know what other tactic he could use to make her talk. Even if he only got short one-word answers, at least he could try to piece it together slowly.

"Charles Lu, what are you trying to say?" Sheryl came to an abrupt stop and glared right into his eyes. If looks could kill, he would be dead by now.

All her pity had evaporated and was now replaced with boiling rage. Her heartbeat grew faster with the combination of the jogging and the fury burning in her heart.

'He must be feeling guilty about what he did. That's why he's suddenly being so sweet.

Either that or he must have figured out that I know about the affair. That's why he's acting this way to try and throw me off the scent. Under normal circumstances, he'll never ask this kind of question, ' she thought to herself.

The more she though about it, the more hurt and wronged she felt.

"Don't get me wrong, honey. It's just that you're acting so weird. Something is definitely bothering you. You know you can share anything with me, right? Even if you're in any trouble, we can figure it out together," Charles said as he smiled at her gently and tried to reach for her hand. His words were 100% sincere, but he was worried that Sheryl would respond poorly to his words. He tried hard to hide his anxiety.


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