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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1184

"Look what she just did! How dare she do that to us? Sheryl Xia!" As soon as Sheryl had left, Rachel released her anger and shouted towards the direction where Sheryl had taken her leave, venting all her rage out now.

"Who does she think she is? How dare she come to our company to boss around!" Holley fired as well. She, too, was angered by how Sheryl acted around them. The reason she told Rachel to invite Sheryl to come to Tarsan Corporation was that they could make it hard for Sheryl and embarrass her.

However, it seemed that the table had been turned, and the one got humiliated wasn't Sheryl, but the both of them!

Being humiliated in their own territory was already embarrassing enough. Not to mention, it was two against one! This situation was really a disgrace.

Rachel turned to Holley and frowned at her. "This happened because of your silly idea! Did you see the arrogance on her face? The way she talked to us? How dare she!" Rachel fumed. She could not stand to take any setbacks, no matter how small they were.

Just the feeling of failure, even the tiniest bit would make Rachel so mad as if she was allergic to failure. She would get so angry that she would start blaming it to anyone else, and now she was blaming Holley as if the drawbacks were her fault.

"I would have to agree that Sheryl shouldn't have been so arrogant, but you can't blame all of this on me. This is not entirely my fault, and you know it." The situation made Holley intolerable, and worse when Rachel started to point her finger at her. She had been wrongly accused for so many times before, and she couldn't take it anymore. There was no reason for her to keep taking all the blame in silence.

After hearing what Holley said, Rachel started to realize that she had gone a bit too far with her words and complaints. If Holley became enraged and eventually decided to quit because of how bad she treated her, then no one else would be willing to help her deal with her situation. She took a deep breath in attempt to compose herself. A moment later, she looked at Holley with regret in her eyes, and in a sincere tone, she said, "I'm sorry, Holley. I didn't mean to put all the blame on you. I just got too overwhelmed by the anger for Sheryl just now that I took it all on you. I just hate how Sheryl can get away with almost everything, and how she always gets what she wants even though she doesn't deserve them!"

From what Holley got from Rachel, she could tell that Rachel was starting to give in. Holley began to let go of her anger as well and tried to calm herself down. Even though she was not happy with how Rachel blamed her for every failure, she had no choice but to, once more, keep these feelings of remorse inside of her and hide them with a more appropriate emotion. Besides, she still needed the help of Rachel and her Tarsan Corporation to be able to deal with her situation afterwards, so working with Rachel was the only way to make sure that things would go smoothly for her in the end. In a calm voice, she replied, "It's all right, Ms. Bai. This is also my fault. I, too, was a bit overwhelmed with anger. I apologize for sounding rude. You are right, though, that it was because of my lack of preparation which caused things to turn out like this. I promise you that, the next time around, I will be more careful and come up with well-thought-of plans before I act upon them."

When Sheryl walked out of Tarsan Corporation, her feelings of anger and worry did not get relieved as much as they should. Instead, she had only became gloomier. Rachel's words just now still felt like needles piercing into her heart, stuck there so deep that there was no way for her to pull them out. The longer they remained there, the more pain it caused. She felt like once she found a way to take them out, she would feel emptied out and die from the pain as well.

She knew that what she had said to Rachel was just mere words to hide her own anxiety. The toughness and aggressiveness she had displayed were no more than a facade to cover her own worries and weaknesses.

Rachel's words had stuck on her mind. Charles might not have loved Rachel as much as she claimed she had, but the fact that he did not repel or detest her in any way said something.

Charles even secretly arranged to meet Rachel alone without telling her.

Although it did not matter to her what reasons he had for meeting with Rachel, she still felt more and more anxious.

Worse, not only did she feel anxious, but she also felt a bit of pain and heartache as well.

He was the love of her life, and her most cherished person on earth, but why would he see Rachel? Was he truly hers, or was he really Rachel's? She was Mrs. Lu today, but what about tomorrow? Could she still hold on to this title tomorrow?

All of these were a tangled mess in Sheryl's mind. She felt helpless as she could not think of a way to resolve it. She couldn't even see through it nor could she understand the situation. Moreover, she did not even know how to confront or approach these problems, and so she could not imagine how to deal with them.

All her mind could think about was the pictures that Rachel had shown her, and everything that had happened that night at Lavender Bar.

Since it had already reached this point, perhaps, it was the right time to confront Charles about this and ask him to tell her, face to face, what exactly had happened or what was truly going on. Not only that, she would also like to know, whom exactly he would choose between her and Rachel.


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