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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1190

It was almost noon when Sheryl and Isla reached the skyscraper.

There were a multitude of firms inside the office building. The two of them entered and took the lift to the eighteenth floor.

As they exited the lift, they quickly looked around for Lansh Technology. It didn't take them long to find the company. They stood outside the office. Inside, the lights were on.

"Since those men went their separate ways, I thought that they might have closed down the place and ran away. It looks like I was wrong," Isla murmured in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? They are not in debt, why would they flee?" Sheryl retorted, shaking her head at her friend.

"Well, since they are not going to open the company, they will get their money back. Anyway, I don't think it's a good idea to continue to work with them," Isla voiced out her opinion, the same as before.

"Come on, this is not the time to argue with each other. Let's get inside," Sheryl said curtly. She hadn't changed her mind and she also had no intention of making Isla agree with her opinions. There was only one thought in her mind and that was to figure out what was going on with this company.

They entered the office, but there was no one at the reception desk to usher them in. No one from the office came forward to inquire about their visit either. The office seemed empty.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Sheryl called out, standing beside the reception desk.

Isla stood behind Sheryl. She followed the direction of her boss's gaze, but didn't see anyone inside.

"Is anyone here?" Sheryl raised her voice.

As she spoke, she and Isla walked towards the central part of the company.

They glanced around, but there was no one in sight. It was eerie.

"Sher, it looks like no one is here. Let's get out of here," Isla said with a frown. She didn't want to waste another minute wandering inside the empty office. The arrogant behavior of the staff had left a bad impression on her.

She had made several calls before coming in person, but no one had answered the phone.

She wanted to cancel this contract as soon as possible. But Sheryl, on the other hand, had no plans of leaving.

She continued to call out to see if anyone was inside as she made her way into the office.

To her disappointment, she saw no one at all. But instead of giving up, she walked towards another room inside the office, and ended up with the same result. She then entered several other rooms with no luck. Frustrated, she decided to walk back to Isla. 'Did I come all this way for nothing?

Where are the staff members? Did the young men really give up on their new company?

Did they already split the money and leave like Isla had said?' Tons of questions raced through her mind.

She was thinking that maybe she should have just listened to Isla in the first place and not come here at all.

'What is the point of continuing to stay here now?' she wondered.

As she was about to turn around in a bid to leave, she caught glimpse of a silhouette inside an office in the far corner.

Considering that she hadn't checked that room, she strode towards the office room.

"Did you find someone, Sher?" Isla asked curiously when she detected that Sheryl had become tense all of a sudden.

Without replying, Sheryl proceeded towards the dark silhouette.

Since the door was ajar, she could clearly see the figure inside.


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