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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1194

"Oh, really? Are you serious about that? Aren't you afraid that I'll tell Aron?"

Isla's reaction amused Sheryl; the former looked like a teenage girl who just hit puberty. 'She looks funnier than that bashful nurse, ' Sheryl thought.

"He won't get jealous. Go ahead and tell him if you want," Isla responded.

"How about Nick? What if you embarrass him?" Sheryl asked her, as she caught a glimpse of the patient lying in the bed.

Realizing that Nick heard their conversation, Isla grinned. "Don't take it too seriously, Nick. It was just a joke," she explained.

Without realizing it, she called the young lad "Nick" instead of ''Mr. Ge." Clearly, she already saw him as a friend.

As introverted as Nick was, he didn't feel awkward after hearing Isla's joking remark. With a friendly expression, he responded, "Thank you for being so good to me, Isla."

A bright smile grew across his face, making him look more enchanting.

His acknowledgment pleased her. Eyes full of adoration, she gazed at the patient and beamed, "Don't worry about anything, Nick. Stay here and rest. Sher and I will help you out."

Merry laughter and conversation filled the ward until the night fell quietly. Considering that Nick wasn't able to take care of himself, Isla proposed that she or Sheryl should stay to watch him in the evening, but the man firmly turned down the offer.

While they argued over it, the nurse entered the ward to check on Nick's condition. As she happened upon their argument, she volunteered to keep close watch over him since she was on duty that night; she even handed him her phone number and asked him to call her if there was anything he needed.

Since the nurse treated him so well, Nick didn't refuse her help. It was eight in the evening when Isla and Sheryl left the ward without any more worries.

"You need to treat me to a meal," Sheryl demanded as she abruptly grabbed Isla's arm. To look after Nick, she had skipped lunch and supper, but she didn't feel the hunger until after she stepped out of the hospital.

However, she didn't want to go home for dinner. She even started to dread of going home. It was bad enough that she might not see Charles when she got home. What made it worse, Melissa would be there to talk her down.

It was no wonder that Sheryl was miserable in that house.

If it weren't for Clark and Shirley, she might have failed to make it through these days.

"Are you kidding me, Sheryl? Why do I have to treat you? You insisted on dropping by Lansh Technology. It's your fault we got caught up in so much," Isla snapped back, with arms folded across her chest.

"Seriously? This is all my fault? I didn't make us stay there for so long after he finished the operation. You stared at that guy like you were obsessed—you're the one who didn't want to leave. If it weren't for you, we would have already had dinner," Sheryl argued.

"I'm not obsessed with him," she denied. "I just couldn't leave him alone…"

"Oh, please. Don't kid yourself. We both know what you were doing, so stop arguing with me. You owe me. Whether you like it or not, you're treating me to dinner," Sheryl persisted eloquently. 'I've waited long enough. Finally, I got a chance to have her treat me to a meal.

I'll make sure to have a fancy one, ' she planned in her head.


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