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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1199

Sheryl took the kids to their bedroom to give them a bath. It was a rare incident that Sheryl was there with Clark and Shirley at their bedtime. Needless to say, the kids were exhilarated and more playful than usual. A mild smile appeared on Sheryl's face when she heard her kids giggle as they got into the bath. The splashing sound of the water, the sparkling eyes, and their hearty laughter filled the space with so much of positive vibes that for a moment it appeared to Sheryl that everything was perfect. She felt as if she was in a happy bubble far away from all the stress and heartbreaking reality. But deep inside she knew that her world was falling apart and she did not know how to save it.

After the kids took a bath, Sheryl led them to the bed. When Sheryl was about to coax the two kids into sleeping, Melissa appeared in front of the door and stood there staring the three of them inside the room. Her lips curved into a crooked smile. Then her face became grim as she fixed her gaze on Sheryl.

Her face became stern as she thought of Sheryl's neglecting her downstairs. She could not take the insult without retaliating. So she followed them upstairs and waited outside the door waiting for Sheryl to come out.

"Would you like to join us, Grandma?" Clark said in an excited voice as he was the first one to spot Melissa standing silently at the door.

Sheryl got startled to hear the word "Grandma" and looked back to see Melissa standing there. There was a mild awkward smile on Melissa's face for she had been exposed unexpectedly.

Now that she had been discovered, she stepped inside the room. Putting on a stern look, she cleared her throat and said to the kids, "It's late. You should go to bed early. Both of you have to go to school tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, the two children closed their eyes obediently. When they drifted off to sleep, Melissa broke the silence. "Don't you think that we should have a talk?" she asked in an arrogant manner.

"What do you want to talk?" Sheryl asked with a puzzled look.

"Why are you asking me? Don't you think you owe me an explanation for your recent behaviors?" Melissa grilled with a bossy air. "But more than that there is one thing that I am curious to know. Will you still refuse to move out of Dream Garden when you and Charles get a divorce?"

"I see. Turns out that you still haven't given up that stupid thought," Sheryl snorted, sneering at Melissa. 'I was too naive. I thought that she was concerned about me and she had come to comfort me. How ridiculous I was!' she mocked herself in her head.

"Ha! Now that something has happened between the two of you, you are bound to slit up," Melissa remarked casually, rolling her eyes upward. Sheryl was amazed to see the contentment on Melissa's face.

"What do you mean?" Sheryl asked her with a frown.

"Nothing." Melissa shrugged in an indifferent manner.

"Did Charles say something to you? Or did you hear some rumors?" Sheryl guessed that Charles had confessed about his affair with Rachel to Melissa. And Melissa was pleased to know that Rachel would become her daughter-in-law.

Melissa remained silent and did not bother to reply to Sheryl's questions. In fact, she enjoyed the troubled look on Sheryl's face.

She wanted to mislead Sheryl to suspect Charles.

She wanted to make Sheryl and Charles misunderstand each other. Her aim was to make the couple turn against each other and end up with a divorce.

Looking at a distracted Sheryl, Melissa drew out a satisfied smile, turned around and headed downstairs unhurriedly.

Knowing that Melissa wouldn't give her any answers, Sheryl stood still with a brooding face. She mulled over the whole situation and analyzed all the recent events.

After she connected all the dots, she had figured out an answer.

However, that was not the reply she wanted.

Charles hadn't come home yet. In the past, he would have given her a call no matter what happened.

However, he hadn't even texted her, leave aside giving her a call.

'Is he so infatuated with Rachel that he even doesn't bother to give me a call?'

She felt a sting in her heart the moment the thought of Rachel and Charles being together came to her mind. She shut her eyes tightly and shook her head. She didn't dare to think further.


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