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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1205

Holley froze like a statue. She hadn't expected Charles to show up at this point. It also hadn't occurred to her that she had wasted a large sum of money for nothing. What was worse, her behavior had put her into an even more embarrassing situation.

"What are you looking at? Go mind your own business," Holley shouted at the onlookers with an exasperated expression. She couldn't stand other's chiding and reproachful glances especially with Sheryl and Charles around.

"What a mean woman! She took advantage of our sympathy to bully innocent people!"

"She's such a shameless woman. How could she continue to stay here? Isn't she ashamed of herself?


"Go away!" Holley bellowed as she glared at the crowd with a threatening look. She was done with the harsh remarks. Most importantly, she didn't want Charles to see her in such an awkward position.

"Don't mess with her. She's such a bad person. What if she takes revenge on us?"

"You're right. It's pointless to continue to stay here. We should go grab something to eat. There's no need to waste our time here. Let's get going."

As the onlookers started to walk away, a woman in her late forties made her way over to Sheryl and stopped in front of her. "Young lady, you better be careful. It's difficult to handle those who will stab you in the back," she reminded earnestly.

Sheryl smiled at her and nodded. She knew the woman's comments were coming from a good place.

But she couldn't forget that this same woman had scolded her in the front when she had been misunderstood.

'Why are there so many self-righteous people in this world? They think they know everything and they only believe their own judgement. What a world!'

As Sheryl was absorbed in her thoughts, Rachel and Holley were about to run away. She planned to stop them and teach them a hard lesson, but she let them leave after seeing how miserable they looked.

When she thought about those pictures of Charles and Rachel, she found Rachel so disgusting that she was unwilling to stay another minute in the same room with her.

Soon the entire crowd dispersed, leaving Sheryl, Isla and Charles standing in front of the counter. "Why are you here?" he asked with a frown.

"Mr. Lu, do you have a problem with us being here? Do you think we're not qualified to eat here?" Sheryl asked in a derisive tone. She was grateful to Charles for his coming to rescue. However, she was still angry with him.

As a result, her gratitude toward him was defeated by anger and hatred.

"Now that you're here, let's have a seat!" Charles invited in a cold tone. He had trouble standing Sheryl's hostile attitude. 'I helped her out but she still treats me in such an unfriendly way. She hasn't even explained what was going on with her and that young man at the hospital. But she always presents herself as the victim, ' he pondered, miffed inside.

He had no idea what he had done to Sheryl to deserve her indifference and anger. He loved her so much and did everything to suck up to her, but she remained unmoved.

'Is it fair that I'm always the only one trying in our relationship?


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