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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1207

Sheryl summoned all her remaining strength and stared at Leila. "No matter what you say, I will never forgive you. I don't want to see you in this house ever again. Please leave as soon as possible," she demanded. Without waiting for their reaction, she strode towards the door, opened it and stepped out. The moment she slammed the door behind her, she was suddenly hit by a wave of exhaustion. She struggled to move her legs as they felt like they had been replaced by heavy sandbags. Wearily, she dragged her body into her car and drove off.

Melissa's face had grown so dark that it was almost terrifying to look at. She glowered at the door, her hands shaking by her side. She managed to cool herself down after a minute or so and she went towards Leila to gently pat her back. She told her comfortingly, "Leila, just ignore her. She has no right to say those things. Make yourself at home. She's not the queen of the house."

"Thank you Melissa. I know you have my back, but I can't bear to see you and Sheryl fighting because of me," Leila responded charmingly.

"To be frank, I truly dislike Sheryl. Charles deserves much better than her. But she's very manipulative and charming, so Charles has become a whipped husband and listens to her every word. Leila, I need your help. I want you to work with me to kick her out of the house. She is not fit at all to be the mistress of this house. You are so different from her! You're kind and pretty, just the type of girl I want for my Charles. I've always liked you, Leila. I want you to be my daughter-in-law someday. So, what do you say? Will you help me?" Overcome with emotion, Melissa blurted out her true feelings.

Leila was thrilled by Melissa's words. But she chose to lower her head and play coy. She told Melissa shyly, "To be honest, I've had feelings for Charles for quite a long time. But I never tried to pursue him because of Sheryl. Coming here today and seeing you get bullied by her makes me so angry. So I'll accept your offer, Melissa. I'll help you get her out of the house and also fight for my own happiness at the same!"

After dinner, Leila accompanied Melissa to do some shopping. The two walked together hand-in-hand and looked very close. Anybody passing by on the street might even mistake them as mother and daughter. Strolling along the commercial street, Leila drank in the sight of the bright lights and huge crowds. She was suddenly hit by a huge wave of nostalgia. How she had missed the hustle and bustle of large cities! The two entered a clothing shop and Melissa's eyes were immediately drawn to a beautiful dress. Unfortunately the bright color and modern design gave her second thoughts as she feared she would be too old to pull it off. Leila noticed Melissa staring longingly at the dress and immediately knew that she loved it. She told Melissa in her most charming voice, "That dress looks so lovely! Why don't you give it a try, Melissa? You have fair skin and a good body. I'm sure it will look amazing on you."

Melissa's heart melted at these words and she couldn't help grin. Beaming happily, she answered, "Oh don't be silly. I'm too old for this fashion. How could I wear this dress designed for you young people?"

"Melissa, you don't look old at all! You still look like you're in your 30s! Just give it a try. You never know until you put it on. I was planning to buy you a gift and seeing how much you love this dress, I know exactly what to get for you. Go on, and try the dress. It's my treat," Leila said, still trying to suck up to Melissa. Saying this, Leila took the dress off the rack, thrust it into Melissa's hands and pushed her to the nearest fitting room.

As Melissa was trying on the dress, Leila started daydreaming and plotting how to make Sheryl leave. It had only been a few hours but she really enjoyed spending time with Melissa. Now all she had to do was get rid of Sheryl. 'Sheryl is obviously in love with Charles. But does Charles feel the same way about her? First things first, I need to find out how much Charles cares about Sheryl. Does he really love her? If he doesn't, it should be easy enough to split them up. But if he does, then I need to work out a long-term plan, ' she brooded.

The fitting room door opened and she looked up, quickly withdrawing her pensive look. She surveyed Melissa from top to bottom and put on an admiring expression, saying, "Wow, Melissa! You look so gorgeous. I didn't expect the dress to look so good on you. It's like it was tailored specially for you!"

"Oh Leila, you're such a sweet talker. I know I look like an old lady trying to relive her youth, no need to flatter me so." Melissa blushed but couldn't hide the pleasure in her voice when she spoke. She looked at herself in the mirror and twirled happily, feeling 20 years younger.

Sheryl was emotionally exhausted. She had been through so much over the past few weeks. First, Holley and Rachel had conspired to make her doubt Charles and cause a misunderstanding between them. Afterwards it had been Charles' turn to distrust her, thinking she was having an affair with Nick.

She was so grateful that Charles wasn't the type to leave things unsettled. If he hadn't pushed her so hard, she could have lost him! Thankfully, Charles was a persistent man until finally, she blurted out her suspicions. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him over such a silly misunderstanding.

She was so glad that her Prince Charming hadn't given up hope. This time, she wasn't going to make the same mistake. Before the situation got any worse, she wanted to fill him in on what was going on, and what was on her mind. She wasn't going to wait any longer.

The sooner they talked, the sooner they could share their thoughts. Charles would know why she was behaving in such a way and she would also find out why he had gotten Leila out. They had been through so much and Sheryl was sure that she knew him well enough to know the reason, but she still wanted confirmation.


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