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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1243

"Ms. Bai, I do want to bring Sheryl down. But I have no choice but to give up on our plan. We're in serious trouble. Charles is doing all he can to trouble Tarsan Corporation. I'm merely an employee. I don't have much power. If you can't do anything about it, then what on earth could I do?" Holley said.

"Holley, don't talk nonsense. Didn't you say you had found a way to show Lance's wife the video? Can you do that? Is the person who will deliver the video for us reliable? Since Lance doesn't care about our corporation, we don't need to keep walking on eggshells around him," said Rachel sternly.

As she clenched her phone with uneasiness, she could feel her hands starting to sweat. At that point, she wasn't so sure whether or not Holley was still under her control.

"Of course. Don't worry, Ms. Bai, I already told you. My guy is reliable. This time, I'll execute the plan step by step and I won't allow any accidents to happen. I'm looking forward to seeing how Lance's wife will react…It will definitely be something unforgettable for Lance," Holley replied confidently on the phone.

Hearing the firmness in Holley's tone, Rachel felt rather relieved and her heart rate seemed to slow down.

Still, as she thought of Lance's and Chuck's mercilessness, Rachel couldn't help but clench her teeth out of hatred. 'Lance has pulled all he's capable of to stop me from exposing the video. I have to respond appropriately. This can only be a win for Tarsan Corporation…Lance and the others will be in trouble. Holley and I can then seize the opportunity to make more development plans for the company.'

"Holley, remember your words. I will believe in you again. I hope you won't let me down this time!"

"Ms. Bai, you can rest assured that this time, I'll complete the task without any problems."

Holley's promise sounded firm and confident.

After talking to Rachel, Holley immediately dialed Bernard's number.

The call was picked up on the first ring. "Hi Bernard. It's Holley. Please proceed with the plan as discussed. No matter how you do it, show Lance's wife the video as soon as possible. When the plan is successfully completed, I will pay you in full."

"Okay." Although Bernard wasn't expecting Holley's sudden order, he didn't say anything more. Since she was going to pay him generously, he just had to do as told. Soon after the call, Bernard got to work.

While Miranda, Lance's wife was resting in the villa, the doorbell rang unexpectedly. Wondering who would come to visit her at that time, she went to answer the door.

From the security footage, Miranda saw a young man in a black suit holding a folder—he seemed anxious. Thinking that the man seemed a bit familiar, she opened the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Zhan. I'm Mr. Zhan's assistant. He told me to pick up a conference document that was left at home." After explaining, the young man had to wipe away the sweat on his forehead.

"Okay, please come in. You can rest and have some water first. Did he tell you where the document is? I can have the housekeeper find it for you," Miranda kindly offered.

"Mr. Zhan didn't tell me exactly where it was. He said he might have left it at home or just somewhere in the company office…so he asked me to come here and look for it."

The young man then pulled out a jewelry box from his pocket and offered it to Miranda. "This is what Mr. Zhan asked me to give to you. Please open it and have a look."

"Lance? Why would he do something romantic? We've been married for so many years and he hasn't surprised me in a long time. Why would he suddenly give me a gift?"

Still, Miranda took the box over from the man and couldn't help but smile warmly.


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