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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1257

Sheryl and Charles headed upstairs. As they made their way to the bedroom, Sheryl didn't see any sign of Melissa and wondered if she went out.

As they finally closed the bedroom door behind them, Sheryl couldn't take her curiosity anymore. She decided to go back down and ask Nancy where Melissa was. As soon as she turned around to go, however, Charles stopped her by grabbing her hand.

Sheryl turned around and wondered why Charles stopped her until she saw the flirtatious look on Charles' face.

"Honey, we haven't seen each other for a week. Don't you miss me?" he asked soulfully.

Sheryl was immediately mesmerized by Charles' handsome face and the way he talked to her made her heart skip a beat. It didn't take long to return to her senses. Charles expected to receive a flirty look back, but he only received an angry stare.

'How can this guy still be in the mood to flirt with me? I'm already in big trouble. Leila is still in the hospital, and God only knows if her operation will be successful. I am totally not in the mood to deal with him right now, ' Sheryl whined in her own mind.

Charles noticed this and begged in a sweet voice, "Honey..." He gave Sheryl a pitiful look before he fluttered his long eyelashes.

Sheryl looked at him for a moment. 'What should I do to this man?' Finally, she heaved a deep sigh and gave in. She moved closer and touched his well-structured face. Narrowing her eyes, she whispered, "Charles, I'm really worried..."

"I know, darling. I know." Charles then grabbed her hand which was on his face, placed it near his lips, and kissed it. He looked Sheryl in the eye and promised earnestly, "Don't worry. I will take care of this."

Charles then wrapped his arms around Sheryl, receiving an embrace back from her. His words and being in his arms made Sheryl's anxiety slightly fade away. As she was about to say something, her eyes widened as she heard children's voices downstairs.

Sheryl pulled back and looked at Charles with a huge smile before she exclaimed in joy, "Clark and Shirley are back!"

Sheryl immediately rushed out of the bedroom with Charles following after her. "Watch the stairs, honey."

Sheryl smiled and waved at him to hurry up. Before she could use the stairs, she noticed Melissa coming her way.

Both of them exchanged glances. Sheryl detected the repulsion and schadenfreude in her eyes.

She had no idea when her mother-in-law started to be hostile towards or why she even acted that way towards her. She felt that Melissa's aversion and hostility towards her had increased.

Sheryl pretended to be oblivious of her provocation. She smiled at Melissa and greeted, "Mom!"

Melissa scoffed and made no response. There was no point in hiding that she despised Sheryl and how she never deserved any of her respect, since his son wasn't around anyway.

Melissa's negative reponse didn't faze Sheryl even a bit for she was already used to the way Melissa treated her. Still with the smile on her face, she continued to head towards the stairs.

As they walked past each other, Melissa whispered, "This time, I am sure that you will be kicked out of this family."

Although Sheryl had already given up on making Melissa like her, she still felt a pang in her heart at her words. Despite the fact that she knew Melissa hated her, the hostility in her words just wasn't easy to ignore.

She lifted her head abruptly and regretted doing so for she met Melissa's eyes that were full of malice and threat.

Melissa's gaze felt like a sharp and poisoned knife that even a single prick or pierce could take one's life in a blink of an eye.

Sheryl couldn't help but feel terrified by her sinister stare. She held on to the banister near her to support herself as she trembled. She tried to hide her fear, but Melissa was just too much. In a shaky voice, she asked, "Why are you so mean to me? What did I ever do to you?"

Melissa started to burst into laughter as she looked at Sheryl who was with a scared face. As soon as her laughter died down, she replied, "Why? You ask? It's because you're a vile and flirty slut. Do you really think that you are good enough to be Charles' wife?"

Sheryl blinked. Her teeth clenched as she wiped the sweat out of her forehead. She didn't know how to react to that. It wasn't the first time that Melissa had made disparaging and insulting remarks towards her. In fact, there were countless times already, but despite that, she felt so upset like this for the first time. In the past, she would have felt terrible and tried to defend herself because she wasn't a bad woman as Melissa cursed. But now she was sick of explaining and trying to defend herself to Charles' mother, so she chose to be the bigger person and said nothing.

"Cat got your tongue? What? I got you, didn't I?" Melissa sneered, rolling her piercing towards Sheryl.

Sheryl stopped trembling and felt the cold fill inside her. She shrugged and responded, "Whatever you say." She heaved a deep sigh and decided to stop wasting her time arguing with Melissa, because it was already a lost cause, so she tried to cheer herself up by the thought of her children and focused her attention towards her way down the stairs.

"Where are you going, bitch?" Melissa immediately grabbed Sheryl by the arm and bellowed testily, "Where are your manners? You are being so rude. Is this how you treat your husband's mother? Didn't your parents teach you any manners at home? Oh, I bet they are terrible people, and that's why you grew up to be such a horrible person!"

Sheryl couldn't endure it anymore. She could take Melissa's attacks about her, but mentioning her parents was already crossing the line. She turned around and gave Melissa a glare with a bit of ferocity in her eyes. "That's enough! You've gone too far!" Sheryl exclaimed, removing forcefully Melissa's hold on her arm.

She didn't expect that Melissa would insult her family again. She already forgave her after Melissa insulted her, but saying bad things about her parents was way out of the line.


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