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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1261

Charles thought about the situation seriously. The doctor mentioned that Leila's case was very critical to the point that if she was sent to the hospital a little bit later, then the chances of her dying was high.

'What kind of person would risk and sacrifice her own life to set up other people?' he wondered. As far as Charles knew, Leila was not the type of person to do that. She loved herself more than anything else, so how could she risk her own life?

Then, the question remained, 'Who poisoned her?'

Charles paced back and forth. He didn't have a clue at all.

'Would it be Nancy?' Charles stopped and wondered. After a moment, he shook his head and continued to pace. Even though Nancy made tea for them, Sheryl mentioned that Nancy had been staying with them all the time, so it was impossible for Nancy to put poison in the tea without Sheryl knowing.

Moreover, Nancy had nothing against Leila, why would she poison her without any reason at all?

Charles thought about it over and over again, but he still couldn't figure this case out.

All he knew was that regarding this case, he wouldn't call the police and could only investigate by himself. Then again, his mother's safety was his primary concern. He would wait until Melissa woke up and prayed that his mother would be well and safe.

Charles stopped pacing and turned his gaze on the door of the operating room. Half an hour had passed, but the operation was still undergoing.


A shout from behind made Charles turned around, and he immediately saw Sheryl rushing over towards him.

"Why...What are you doing here? How about the kids?" Charles asked, his eyebrows furrowed into a frown.

Sheryl stopped in front of him and took her time to catch her breath. After a moment, she looked at him and replied, "Clark and Shirley are with Nancy. Don't worry about them. How—" Sheryl stopped and hesitated for a moment. She shook her negative thoughts away and continued, "How is Mom doing?"

Her eyes then fell on the closed door of the operating room. Her face dropped and turned pale.

Charles heaved a deep breath as he shook his head and replied in a husky voice, "She's still in surgery."

Sheryl nodded slowly, not knowing how or what to respond, so she just stood beside Charles in silence. Charles didn't talk any further either and just stared at the door.

Slowly, as the time passed by, the atmosphere between them became awkward and tense.

Sheryl wasn't sure whether Charles felt it too, so she quickly stole a glance at Charles. When she saw how sullen his face was, her mood immediately plummeted.

She still wasn't sure whether Charles would blame her or not about Melissa's accident. After all, he cared for his mother very much. Even though they had been separated for a long time, they were still, in fact, mother and son, and no one could really top the love of a mother for her child and vice versa. For sure, Charles would never just let go of this accident that easy.

Therefore, as soon as Melissa woke up, Sheryl knew she had no other choice but to admit her fault whether or not she was responsible for it. If she defended herself in front of Charles, she knew this situation would worsen. The latter was what Melissa had exactly expected, but she didn't know that Sheryl was willing to lower her pride.

Still, Sheryl could remember clearly how Melissa fell down. As she fell down the stairs, Sheryl saw the hostility and resolution in Melissa's eyes. Melissa had done it on purpose, because she was smirking back at Sheryl as she fell down the stairs.

'What a crazy woman!' Sheryl thought.

Melissa just placed herself in danger to set her up and ruin her in front of Charles. She didn't even care about her life at all. Sheryl couldn't imagine how ruthless and cold-blooded this woman could be. Melissa had been tormenting her ever since she came back, but this situation was too much.

As for Leila, Sheryl thought that she was mad enough to risk her own life. Although Sheryl wasn't sure still how Leila got poisoned, all she knew was that Nancy and she were innocent, so it left the only possibility, which was that Leila poisoned herself.

Thinking about this sent a chill run down her spine.

After what took like centuries for Sheryl and Charles, the door finally opened and a doctor went out.

Charles' eyes lit up and immediately rushed over towards the doctor, while Sheryl followed him anxiously.

"Doctor, how is she? How's my mother?" Charles tried to look from behind the glass of the door of the operating room to see if he would be able to see his mother.

The doctor fixed the bridge of his glasses to his nose and replied, "As of now, your mother is stable and out of critical danger. However, she had intracranial hemorrhage and blood clot in her head when she fell down. That's why we still have to wait before she returns her consciousness. I will have to advice you that she will need to stay in the hospital under observation for several days."

Sheryl heaved a deep breath. Although she was relieved that Melissa was out of immediate danger now, she was still worried about her, so she asked, "Is it serious?"

"Her head was the affected part, but since she's quite recovering, it is hard to tell whether or not it is serious. It is now up to her, and if she recovers well and has recuperated her mental health once she wakes up, then let's hope and pray for the best outcome. We will do our best to do our part. However, she may have an emotional instability more frequently than before. As her family, you must also be psychologically prepared," the doctor answered.


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