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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1269

"Don't you think that you are too naive, Ms. Bai? Who put such an idea in your head that I will still let you see the light of day after taking pains of bringing you here? Well, sorry to tell you, this will be the last place you will ever see. Want to expose my crime? You can do it in the next life!"

Full of hate, Miranda spat those words at Rachel. Danny, who stood right next to her felt chills run down his spine. But still, he nodded. And Rachel, she had never felt so scared and desperate in her entire life until now. She didn't expect that Miranda was a bold and crazy bitch.

Now that Rachel had the time to contemplate about her actions, she regretted that she had provoked Miranda. Had she known that Miranda was psychologically unstable, she would not have acted on impulse. 'How could I get out of here? Think, think, think! I don't want to die yet! I couldn't die like this!'

"I'm really sorry, Mrs. Zhan! Please forgive me! I now learned my lesson. I shouldn't have done this. I wasn't thinking clearly! I promise, when I get home, I will destroy all the evidences! Please, trust me. I will really do it!"

Lying on her stomach, Rachel begged like a dog.

Miranda was unaffected by Rachel's begging. She saw her as a pile of rubbish needed to be disposed. And the more wretched Rachel was, the happier Miranda felt.

Truth be told, what she felt towards the girl was complicated. When she learned of her husband's affair, she was more jealous than enraged. Rachel was younger and more beautiful than her. Though there was no love lost between her and her husband, the feeling of humiliation surfaced. They were well-known in high society. What would they say if they learned about the affair? It was a harsh slap in her face. And it was payback time!

"Trust you? Are you kidding me, Ms. Bai? I wasn't born yesterday. The moment I let you go, you will send me to prison!"

Miranda snapped, her voice as cold as ice. Sentencing Rachel to death was so easy. It was just like talking about the weather.

"No, I won't! I swear! I will never ever call the police! What should I do to make you believe me, Mrs. Zhan?! Please, tell me. I will do anything. ANYTHING!"

In a trembling voice, Rachel pleaded and pleaded. With tears rolling down her dusty cheeks, she was a picture of hopelessness. But Rachel didn't care how she looked at the moment. Her goal was to get out of her bad predicament. She would do everything to convince that woman to let her go.

Then, she supported herself up with her arms and knees, and crawled towards Miranda. As she approached her, she reached out to grasp her feet. But before she could touch them, Miranda kicked her hard. A foot connected with her left cheek. She fell down on the ground and shrank with pain.

"Don't try anything anymore, Ms. Bai. Save your energy for later. Whatever you do, I will never change my mind. Know the saying, 'if there's no fire, there's no smoke?' So, you see...the best thing to do in this situation is put off the fire. If you will be on your best behavior from now on, I promise you I will give you a quick death." As Miranda was saying the last sentence, she bent down to look at Rachel face to face. Then, she gave Rachel's bruised cheek a pat.

"Ms. Bai," Danny started, "don't try to shout anymore for help. Nobody can hear you. You should have learned from the business industry never to provoke someone you can't handle." Turning to Miranda, he said, "Darling, when are we going to do it? We can do it right now, or you rest first. Your choice."

The warehouse they were in had been closed for several years now. Thus, it was very warm and stuffy inside. All of them were sweating so hard. Though Danny found a piece of paper which he used to fan Miranda, it wasn't enough.

Looking up at Danny, Rachel lost her last hope of escaping. She was praying that Danny was a soft-hearted man. But after seeing his expression of ruthlessness, that last fire of hope was extinguished. Though it was hard to accept, Rachel was slowly trying to come to terms with herself. This was her last day. She already resigned herself to her fate—DEATH.

Time passed agonizingly slow in the darkness.


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