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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1283

Bernard had meticulously prepared Rachel some honey water. Seeing her drunken state, he carefully supported her to sit up on the bed comfortably, so he could help her take medicine with the honey water he previously concocted to clear the effect of the alcohol. Laying her down, he hastily made his way towards the bathroom to get her a warm towel to wipe her face clean.

There was sadness and longing in his eyes as he watched her settle contentedly in the bed. And despite the mix of sweat and tears, which ruined her make-up, he still found her enchanting, heartbreakingly enchanting.

While Rachel had immersed herself in sorrow, Holley and her employees were having a blast.

A grand and sumptuous banquet was currently hosted by her, where all the employees and the shareholders of Tarsan Corporation were invited. Everyone looked happy and relaxed at the festive celebration as soft music dominated the venue. Soon, the entire Tarsan Corporation was informed about the change of ownership of the company.

"First, I would like to thank everyone for taking your precious time to attend this celebration at short notice. From today onwards, I will be replacing Rachel, to be the CEO of the Tarsan Corporation. I am more than excited to consider this position. And in fact, I am looking forward to leading this successful company to greater heights. In the time ahead, I promise to do my best and progress with everyone here, to build a better Tarsan Corporation. Thank you!"

A thunderous round of applause filled the room after Holley ended her short but meaningful speech. Everyone welcomed the new boss.

Glancing around at the employees, she felt satisfied with their reaction. A contented smile was plastered on her face. Now, everyone was informed that Rachel had been ousted from her position. She wouldn't be able to enjoy her privileges and the respect of the company anymore.

In the middle of drinking and chatting, Holley felt everything happened was so unreal. She was totally in a daze. She still couldn't believe she finally realized her lifelong dream.

One by one, people came over to have a toast with her, and offered her non-stop congratulatory remarks, and she gladly drank with each one of them.

"Congratulations, Miss Ye. You are indeed a capable woman!"

She was praised by a shareholder who had sold his shares to Holley.

"Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Li. Thank you for your shares so that I can become who I am today."

It was the typical conversation between Holley and the shareholders. For the entire night, she was busy with conversing with everyone that came to her.

However, still some employees found it weird that Holley assumed the role of the CEO in an instant. Plus, Rachel didn't attend this banquet. So they were more inclined to suspect that the two might have some conflict. But it wasn't a good idea to gossip about their boss in such a crucial occasion, so they just touched on this without delving into such a sensitive topic.

Moreover, this could be a good thing for Tarsan Corporation. After all, everyone knew how capable Holley was.

Many of the people who were dissatisfied with the domineering way Rachel managed the company regarded it as good news. It seemed that the public also took it as a positive change of the company, as reflected by the surging share price of the company after the broadcast of the information.

Black was accompanying Holley throughout the celebration. Worried that Holley would be drunk, he even offered to drink for her after she had too much to drink. That elicited some teasing from others, who called him as the "guardian of the beauty."

Seeing her shining in the crowd, Black felt overwhelmingly proud and joyful. He even had the impulse to announce to the world that such an outstanding woman belonged to him.

The banquet geared towards its end as the background music ceased slowly and all the attendants started to leave. Holley was slightly drunk and was being held by Black. Then he assisted her to return to her hotel room.

"Holley, I haven't complimented you myself. Congratulations on being the new owner of Tarsan Corporation! This is my small gift for you." As he was speaking, he took out a nice-looking little box and scratched his head.

"Open it. I'm not sure if you will like it." Then he slowly placed the gift on Holley's hand, refusing to let her hand go as if he was enjoying the tender touch.


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