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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1295

At full speed, Bernard rushed to the door of Rachel's house. He turned the knob but it was locked. As he stood by the door, he noticed that the lights were off inside.

Sensing that there was something wrong, he decided to break into the house. Inside, it was pitch black. He felt for the light switch and pressed it on, but the lights did not work.

With the flashlight of his phone, he saw the living room was a mess. As he slowly moved towards the center, he stepped on the shards of glass. He looked down. The shards came from the fluorescent lamps of the living room. 'So, that is why there are no lights.

But, where is Rachel?' Never in his life had he felt so worried. He quickly scanned the room. He wanted to find her as soon as possible. He was afraid to lose Rachel. He could not imagine his life without her.

Meanwhile, Rachel was hiding behind the heavy curtains of the guest bedroom. She was so nervous that her palms were wet and her breathing was quick. And because she was so afraid that her breathing could be heard, she slightly opened her mouth and breathed through it. Suddenly, she heard footsteps. This time, she could hear her own heartbeats racing. She feared Death who was slowly approaching her.

Earlier that night, she was waiting for Bernard's news in her room. She was so tensed that it heightened her senses of her surroundings.

As soon as she heard sounds coming, she listened very carefully if those were from Bernard. She knew so well how Bernard's footsteps sounded. Every time he came to see her, he was excited and nervous. So his footsteps sounded like one was heavy, the other was light.

However, the footsteps she heard were so light that no one could hear them unless one was concentrating on the surrounding sounds. If she had not been so focused that night, she would not have heard them.

She immediately took off her shoes, slowly walked to the guest bedroom and hid behind the heavy curtains. Though she knew it was unsafe to stay inside, she didn't risk trying to escape. Her chances of staying alive was higher if she stayed put. Her other chance of survival was sending a text message to the police and hoping that they would arrive on time. Then, she put her phone in silent mode.

In just a few minutes, Rachel heard the main door open. The footsteps continued walking and went straight to the master's bedroom.

Hired by Holley, the killer had monitored Rachel's activities for quite some time. And, he had followed Rachel for a whole day. So, he found it unexpectedly not to find Rachel inside the house.

But, he was so sure that Rachel was there. He never saw her leave.

The killer thought that Rachel must had noticed the his presence and hid somewhere in advance. But, it didn't really matter to him. He would play her game of hide and seek. Anyway, he was pretty confident he would find her easily in a small house.

The killer knew just how to do an "emotional warfare." The more moves he made around the house, the more panic Rachel would feel, thus the higher chance it would be for that woman to reveal her hideout. Just thinking that there was a "cat" shivering somewhere made him feel alive and excited.

So, the killer went to the living room and began to smash the decors and furniture. The crime would look like a case of burglary.

But to his surprise, everything remained still. The cat-and-mouse game became more interesting.

'Hide well. I'm coming. I will surely find you in the end, ' the killer thought.

And the killer walked towards the other bedroom. By now, Rachel was in total panic. The footsteps, faint but steady, were getting nearer and nearer. Her breathing seemed to get louder. And because she was so afraid to be heard, she held her breath to keep silent.

Suddenly, she heard the main door open again. This time, she didn't study the footsteps anymore. She knew it was a big chance that the newcomer was the killer's partner. She just focused her remaining energy in staying alive by absolutely remaining still.

At the same time, the killer was also aware of the new presence. To avoid exposure, he hid himself. He would wait for the right time to make his move.

Seeing the chaos, Bernard called Rachel's phone but she didn't pick up. After the second attempt, he stopped trying to reach her. Instead, he focused on his surroundings. This time, he saw the footprints. He knew right away they didn't belong to Rachel.

His instincts also told him that both Rachel and the footprints' owner were inside the house.


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