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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1312

A little too smoothly than usual, Black entered Holley's office. As soon as he stepped inside, she raised her head and smiled warmly at the man. Even though he was in anger, the sight of her smile had him almost palpitate in amazement.

Determined to demand an explanation, he calmed himself down. Instead of dragging things on like this for too long, he wanted to clear things up himself and put an end to it.

Holley, however, had no idea what was to come as she stood up and came over to give Black a warm hug.

"Darling, I missed you so much!"

Her affection seemed endless.

That, at least, made Black sneer. Slowly but decisively, Black shrugged off her hands and gently pushed her away from him.

"What's wrong, Black?"

The longer she looked at him, the worse feeling in her gut grew.

Because he was against the light, his expression wasn't too clear. Still, she could feel a cold air radiating from him.

"I think you can tell me that. I've seen how intimate you are with Charles. You were with him in the hospital, taking care of him, weren't you? That was the important meeting you were in when you rejected my call. And now you have the nerve to ask me what's wrong? Holley, what am I to you, huh? Tell me."

Unable to restrain his anger any longer, he howled at Holley with red fury in his eyes.

The accusation made Holley turn ghastly pale, her eyes full of panic.

Internally, Holley cursed the world. How could Black have known? What should she do, then? Thinking that the stocks were still in his hands, she decided that she had to do all she could to put him at ease. With her goals so nearly achieved, she couldn't give up because of a blip like that.

As the gears in her head turned and worked faster than ever, she tried stringing together words that would make him cooperate with her.

With her hands clenched into fists, and her eyes unsteady, panic and fear surged through her like crashing waves.

"That's not true, Black. Let me explain.

Things aren't as they seem."

As she anxiously explained, drops of sweat started rolling down her temples.

In spite of his little outburst, Black's desperate eyes seemed to find a bit of light. Because he loved her so deeply, he had hoped that all he had seen was merely a huge misunderstanding. Even as he hoped in his heart, he knew in his head that it was impossible.

In the end, though, he wanted to hear Holley out, unwilling to part with her. As long as he still had a place in her heart for him, he would do all he could to keep it.

Unknowingly, Black's eyes were full of expectation as he waited for Holley's explanation.

After swallowing down her panic, Holley calmed herself down to explain.

"You know that Tarsan Corporation and Shining Company are working together to finish a project, don't you? Well, Charles was basically disregarding it. I was afraid the project wouldn't push through, at the rate things were going. Because of that, I've been trying to get close to him."

Seeing that Black didn't seem to be buying it, she upped her act—her eyes turned glassy as if she could cry at any minute.

"Ever since I replaced Rachel as the general manager, all the employees refused to work under my control. They wanted to see me fail. Do you have any idea of the pressure I'm under? I just want this project to succeed. It'll prove that I'm capable, and I'll earn their respect. I hope to have a foothold in this company, Black. If you still don't understand, anything that I have done will be pointless."


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