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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1318

Holley arrived at the conference room ahead of time. Soon, the other shareholders arrived one after the other, Black included.

Holley began her statement first. "Okay, everyone. Let's get the ball rolling. We'll start the meeting. All shareholders sitting here can speak freely. Of course, it is better to speak one at a time instead of talking over each other." And then she turned her head to one shareholder next to her and said, "Mr. Liu, please. You may start." As soon as Holley finished talking, a commotion broke out in the conference room.

Looking around the conference room and glancing at everyone, Holley found that these shareholders all held a stirring look. Deep inside, she couldn't help but sneer and began to look forward to their performance after hearing Black's speech.

"Now that Miss Ye has asked me to start, I'll go straight to the point. I, as well as the other shareholders gathered here, all agree that you are no longer suitable to be the general manager of Tarsan Corporation." Mr. Liu paused, as if he was trying to organize his thoughts.

And then he continued, "First of all, Tarsan Corporation's performance has not significantly increased since you were appointed, which indicates that you may have some shortcomings in your ability to lead the company. Second, there has been a lot of rumors recently on how you are seducing other businessmen for profit, which has greatly damaged our company's image and interests. And last but not the least, we all have seen your performance since you came to our company. You are often absent from work without any valid reason. I don't think that should be a company leader's performance."

Finishing his words, Mr. Liu didn't wait for Holley to speak as he went directly back to his seat. His arrogant face was full of triumph, as if he had seen Holley's embarrassing ending.

As soon as Holley let other shareholders to make a speech, each of them expressed that Mr. Liu's speech could represent them and there was no need to repeat their statements. They let Holley to just go to the voting stage.

"Well, since you have nothing more to say, let me say something." Holley stood up from her seat and put her hands on the conference table. Her pushy look made others dare not look at her directly. The shareholders avoided her stare as they prepared to listen to what she was about to say.

"As for what Mr. Liu just said, I'd like to make an explanation. As a matter of fact, Tarsan Corporation's profit increased by thirty percent during my tenure. You can check the relevant statements after this meeting.

As for the reason why you do not often find me at the company, I'm sure everyone is aware that Tarsan Corporation and Shining Company are currently working together on a project. I need to communicate with their head and monitor the progress of the project.

Of course, I am also troubled by the recent rumors circulating about me. But I promise that those rumors are absolutely ridiculous. And I will actively resolve them as soon as possible to minimize the adverse impact on the company's image."

Holley answered the problems posed by Mr. Liu one by one. But the other shareholders didn't care about her explanation at all. All they wanted was to get rid of her.

When the voting began, almost all the shareholders voted against Holley.

As everything went smoothly as they expected, these shareholders all showed a satisfactory smile. They felt triumphant with the results. As soon as they thought they had gotten the victory, Black slowly stood up.

He posed, "On behalf of my father, Rex Hu, and myself, I would like to make a statement on this meeting." Black's sudden interruption caught everyone in surprise. "I think Holley Ye is fully qualified for the position of general manager, so I express my support for her." Deliberately pausing for a while, Black added, "I want to note that my father and I have more than half of the company shares together, plus the shares in Miss Ye's hands, I think the meeting can now be concluded."

Black's arrogant face seemed to say "you'd better shut up" to those shareholders. Holley couldn't help but think how badass that move was.

Hearing Black's statement, the other shareholders were speechless at that moment.

The atmosphere in the conference room dropped to freezing point. Of course, Black and Holley were still in a good mood. They were even happily observing everyone else's expression.


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