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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1325

When Holley was almost driven to the edge of collapsing, she heard a very slight sneer from Rex.

"You'd better not lie to me, or the consequence will be worse than you can imagine. Most importantly, don't do it again. You'd better remember that!" Rex posted his threat.

Holley nodded quickly as she replied submissively, "Yes, Mr. Hu. I will remember every word that you said." She still had a lingering fear after the narrow escape.

Rex looked at her frightened and coward face. He couldn't help feeling disgusted towards her. He always looked down upon such kind of woman, who was ambitious yet lacked the ability and courage to match it. Moreover, she chose a wrong path. Rex couldn't figure out why his son, Black, would take a fancy to her.

If he had known earlier what kind of woman Holley was, he would stop Black and give him a lesson in the first place. He would expose her in front of him. But now he knew that Black was already obsessed with her. There was nothing he could do to change his mind and break them apart. Black was always a stubborn boy, so he could only ask Holley to behave herself.

Rex opened the door of the villa and asked Holley to go inside.

"Miss Ye, you have to stay here tonight. I know it's not fancy enough for you, but you have no other choice. Tomorrow morning, someone will come to pick you up," Rex stated coldly. He didn't even wait for Holley to answer. Rex turned around and left.

The noise of the door shutting startled Holley. It immediately brought her back to her senses.

She wandered in the lonely lobby like a ghost, not knowing what to do next. Finally, she went towards the sofa and sat on it. She grabbed a pillow tightly in her arms, trying to get some comfort from it. Right now, it was the only thing that she could rely on.

It was getting darker outside. Soon, a fierce gale sprang up, with frightening thunder and lightning. The air felt thick and humid. It was going to rain soon.

Holley remembered her phone and took it out, only to find that there was no signal. A feeling of loneliness and helplessness swept over her all of a sudden.

What was worse, the lights in the villa started to flicker, and then they finally went out.

'It might be the bad weather that has caused the unstable electricity supply, ' Holley thought numbly.

Soon, rain started to pour from outside the window. It was dark everywhere. With the help of the light coming from her mobile phone, Holley fumbled from her seat and went near the window. She sat on the floor and listened to the noise of raindrops hitting the ground outside. It was until this time that Holley felt the world was not so deadly quite, and she was not so lonely.

She stared outside through the window, motionless. The picture of Rex humiliating her flashbacked in her mind again and again. She remembered clearly how he trampled on her dignity, together with the helplessness in this cold, dark room, which tortured her.

Holley remained silent as she felt her eyes went watery. She took a deep breath, trying to hold back her tears, but she couldn't. Soon tears started flowing from her eyes.

The feeling of shame brought by Rex became stronger and stronger. She could feel her heart beating hard against her chest. Her emotion was as furious as the weather outside.

She swore, 'One day, I will trample on those people who have insulted me and looked down upon me! I will make them pay for what they did to me!' Holley's eyes turned cold like a serpent. She chewed her lower lip and bit it hard.

That night, Holley stayed still and didn't close her eyes for a single second.

She listened to the roar of the wind and the falling raindrops the whole night. She didn't dare to take a nap, because she was afraid that she would be trapped in a nightmare. The more she thought about it, the more desperate she felt. She felt that the fierce wind had left a scar in her heart forever.


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