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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1341

Judging from the look on Melissa's face, it was easy to tell that she was very unhappy. It seemed that something was bothering her. Walking to the table, she pulled out a chair carelessly. The loud noise made by her pulling out the chair was an announcement to everyone present that she was not in a good mood today.

Disturbed by her careless actions, Charles shot Melissa a glance silently. The expression on his face seemed to be telling her to stop making a scene. Seeing the glum expression on Charles' face this time, Melissa eventually calmed down reluctantly.

On the other end, Leila didn't say anything as she walked to the table and sat down. She had noticed the silent conflict between Charles and Melissa, so she simply wanted to be quiet and stayed out of it.

Knowing Melissa, Leila understood that she was hesitant about apologizing to Sheryl. She thought that an apology to Sheryl was something Charles wouldn't let go easily, so Melissa had to deal with it eventually. In fact, she even thought that Melissa should say sorry to Sheryl as soon as possible. At least in this way, Charles still would respect Melissa for acknowledging her fault.

Seated just beside Charles, Sheryl was really quiet all the way. Even though Melissa's face was expressionless, she felt furious when she saw the calm look on Sheryl's face. She thought that Sheryl was making a display of winning through quietness. Her passiveness insulted her in such a way that she felt like talking to a robot or punching a pile of cotton in that matter. No matter how hard she hit on her, still she didn't fight back and got no response from her.

Under Charles' consistent stare, Melissa finally made up her mind to apologize to Sheryl after taking several deep breaths. Though she found it hard in her heart, she was left with no choice under Charles presence.

"Sheryl... I'm sorry for what I did yesterday. I shouldn't have gotten so emotional. Please forgive me," Melissa said reluctantly while looking at Sheryl straight in the eye. Her voice sounded hoarse, however. She seemed to be saying those words through clenched teeth.

Still, with no expression on her face and placing down the bread on her plate, Sheryl slid it aside a little bit. Then she raised her head and looked at Melissa with a blank face, but she was surprised that such an arrogant lady like her would apologize to her. At that time, she didn't expect that Melissa would bow the neck to her. Swallowing her pride was not Melissa's thing after all.

"Look, Mom, I'm fine. I won't blame you for being emotional on impulse," said Sheryl. Then she added sincerely, "Let's just let the past pass. As your daughter-in-law, I really hope that we can get along, so Charles won't be put in a dilemma because of us. I believe that both of us are the women Charles loves very much. I think that he also really hope that we can get along. Don't you think so, Mom?"

When she spoke, there was a sweet smile on Sheryl's face, and her voice was so soft that it seemed that she didn't bother about their conflicts yesterday.

However, on the other hand, Melissa didn't appreciate Sheryl's kindness at all upon hearing her words. She thought that Sheryl was saying these things just because Charles was sitting right in front of them now. What she really wanted was to slap Sheryl in her face for her hypocrisy.

Since Melissa had prejudices against Sheryl, no matter how sincere Sheryl was, Melissa still didn't believe anything she had said. Even though Sheryl said that she had forgiven her, Melissa still thought that Sheryl had a speculating mind and she was just pretending to be a nice person.

"Yes, you were right. We should get along with each other," Melissa replied even though she didn't mean any of it. After all these ordeals, she thought that she had lost her dignity as mother-in-law, but she knew that she had no choice but to repress her true feelings toward Sheryl for the moment.

Thus, she decided to play along with Sheryl, pretending that they had made it up and put all this behind her.

Just observing the two of them, Leila, who knew well about Melissa, felt a little sick looking at her acting. Since Melissa almost got her into trouble this time, Leila realized that she couldn't count on her in the future.

Though he was just silent this time, Charles knew that his mother didn't want to apologize to Sheryl. But he also knew that she would stop stirring up troubles from now on. With that in mind, he was glad that his mother and Sheryl finally got along.

"Dad, Mom, Shirley and I have finished our breakfast. Could you drive us to school?" Clark asked, interrupting the sudden silence that commenced at the breakfast table. Even though he didn't know what exactly had happened, he had noticed that something was wrong, so he tried to change the subject by asking his parents to send them to school.

"Okay, you two grab your schoolbags. Dad and Mom are going to drive you to school together," Charles said with a sweet smile on his face. Leading them out of the table, Charles bend down and kissed Clark and Shirley on the cheeks.

Hearing that her mom and dad would drive them to school, Shirley ran to get her schoolbag gladly and excitedly skipped her way out.

Meanwhile at Tarsan Corporation, inside the cozy office, the aroma of brewed coffee filled the room.

Ever since Rex had warned Holley, she began to keep her head down and focus on her work.


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