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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1366

It sounded like a true cliche. Charles, like any other man, wanted to spend every waking day with the woman he loved. That was why, whenever Sheryl felt upset, Charles would feel even worse. Why on earth would Sheryl ever think that Charles didn't love her?

Sheryl just told Charles how much she hated him. She told him that she didn't want to be with him any longer. It pierced through him like a knife. He felt like he couldn't breathe.

What Sheryl told him made Charles' face pale. It hurt him so much inside. He could not only feel her pain, but he could also feel his own from being pushed away so much.

He knew that what he did in the past two days had hurt Sheryl immensely, but she had to know that he didn't mean to do that. He merely did what he had to do to protect Shirley. However, he acknowledged that what was done was done, and there was nothing he could do to change what he did.

Charles carefully caressed Sheryl's cheek. "Sher, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I know it's been a tough few days for you, but you know that I only did that to save Shirley. Why would you ever think that I didn't love you? I made a vow to you. I love you and I always will; nothing will ever change that. Please, could you find it in your heart to forgive me?" Charles pleaded, kissing Sheryl's forehead.

He knew that she was asleep and wouldn't be able to hear him anyway, but it was the only time he could apologize to her without her pushing him away. He hoped that Sheryl would hear his apology and accept it.

Charles was exhausted from working the entire day, drifting off to sleep fairly quickly. He moved further away from Sheryl, respecting her space just in case she didn't want to wake up and see that he was touching her.

A few hours later, Sheryl woke up in the middle of the night. She stirred, her arm grazing against Charles'.

She opened her eyes to see Charles' face. His face was relaxed but he looked incredibly tired and worn out. His thick eyebrows, stern expression, and masculine jawline made her heart flutter. He still looked just as attractive and charming to her. She stared at his face. He looked tired, but he was still charming and attractive to her. As her eyes trailed down his face towards his lips, she suddenly remembered how heartless and unfaithful he had been.

Sheryl's eyes welled up with tears. She was growing desperate. She didn't know if she should give Charles another chance. Should she reconsider? Maybe he wasn't really unfaithful. It was just that he didn't love her anymore.

It was because he didn't love her, that whatever she did was wrong in his eyes.

Sheryl now knew how much it hurt to be heartbroken.

In her bitterness, Sheryl put a coat on and got out of the bed. She quietly made her way to the bathroom on her bare feet.

Sheryl lowered her head to find her bare toes twitching beneath her. Charles used to blame her for not taking better care of herself, because she never wore slippers. He would always bring her the fluffy pair of slippers that he bought her.

Thinking about the past, Sheryl slowly descended to the floor and cried again. She buried her face in her hands, wiping her tears away and forcing herself to calm down so he wouldn't hear her. She tried to catch her breath, hating the way her breath kept hitching in her throat. Her tears slipped from her hands and onto the cold, tiled floor.

Charles never would have known that Sheryl broke down that evening. He never would have known each teardrop she shed in the darkness.

How much did Sheryl really love Charles? No matter how much Charles hurt her, she would never hurt him back. Even when she wept because of him, she made a point to hide herself to cry in silence. She loved him so much that she didn't want him to worry about her. However, she was also afraid of the idea that he might no longer care if he saw her cry.

In the sidewalk snack booth, Cassie and Cora ordered a whole table-worth of food that cost next to nothing. This booth prided itself for having such delicious food at low prices.

"Cassie! Let's toast!" Cora called, raising her bottle of beer as she grinned ear to ear.

Cassie immediately let her fish skewer down and swung her bottle up. "Cheers, Cora! It's been a while since we were this relaxed. Let's party tonight!"


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