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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1369

Even though Cassie wanted to have someone who cared about her and to rely on, she knew that Jordan wasn't the right one.

When the thought of Nick entered her mind, she pushed Jordan away at once. Jordan's angular face darkened.

"Jordan, please behave yourself," Cassie said coldly.

Cora freaked out when she heard Cassie. She was becoming anxious that Cassie might push Jordan over the edge with her reckless action and blunt reply. She was also afraid if Jordan got angry at Cassie's constant rejection, he might force Cassie into doing something that she didn't want to do.

Cora knew her brother very well. He was willing to do anything to get what he wanted. For that very persistence, Jordan became the leader in his department at such a young age. He went to great lengths to achieve his goals.

Noticing Jordan's livid face, Cora interrupted at once, "Cassie, it's getting really late. What if the bad guys come back again? Why don't you let my brother drive you home?"

Lowering her head, Cassie didn't say a word. It seemed that she had accepted Cora's suggestion reluctantly.

Jordan's face softened.

"Let's go, Cassie. Let me drive you home," he said. Then he turned around and began to walk to his car without saying anything else.

"Let's go," Cora urged, sighing with relief. Holding Cassie's arm, she led her to catch up with Jordan.

After a while, they reached the gate of Cassie's residence.

Jordan slowly pulled over and looked at the sky through the car window. It was past midnight already, and the neighborhood was tranquil.

"Thank you," Cassie said quietly. Then she opened the car door and was about to get out of the car.

"Wait!" Jordan shouted all of a sudden.

Cassie was surprised when she heard Jordan. Before she could say anything, he already got out of the car and held the car door for her. "It's really late. Let me walk you to your house."

Cora was surprised at Jordan's consideration and gesture. She had never seen Jordan so thoughtful before. The way he treated Cassie was even better than the way he treated her.

Cassie felt a little uncomfortable about Jordan's suggestion, and she was about to turn him down. However, seeing Jordan's determined eyes, she knew that he wouldn't let her go so easily, so she finally agreed. "Thank you for your consideration."

After reminding Cora not to go anywhere, Jordan walked Cassie to the building block.

Once they both got into the elevator, Jordan looked at her and said in a serious tone, "Cassie, what happened tonight wasn't a coincidence. You have to be more careful in the future."

Cassie knew Jordan only said that because he cared about her safety, so she didn't get annoyed with him for bringing up the subject again.

"Thank you for reminding me. I'll be careful," Cassie said with a faint smile.

At the sight of the smile on Cassie's face, Jordan's eyes became passionate.

"Cassie..." he said, reaching out and trying to hold her hand. He gazed at her and was about to say something. Cassie was a little nervous about what Jordan was going to say and do. There was no space in the elevator so she couldn't get away from Jordan if he tried to come on to her.

Just then, the elevator arrived at her floor. "Ding!" The door of the elevator opened.

"Jordan, thank you for walking me home," Cassie said in a hurry, and lowered her head as she walked out of the elevator immediately.

As Jordan withdrew his hand, he felt a little awkward. He noticed the embarrassed look on Cassie's face as she left. All that he could do was let out a sigh.


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