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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1376

"Frankly speaking, I also have no idea where Jim took and hid Shirley. I tried to ask him many times, but he always refused to tell me, even just a single clue. I only found out recently that Jim was an ex-convict due to drug-taking. I had no idea, and the news had knocked me over with a feather. I am uptight where Shirley could be, as well as her safety, as much as you do. Aunt Melissa, I am still trying the best I could to look for—" With a shot of Melissa's blazing eyes, Leila wasn't able to continue her pleading explanation. Inevitably, she trembled in nervousness and hesitance. Although she tried to persuade Melissa and erase her worries, Leila herself even found the situation hard to rest assured. It seemed that things were going to lose out of control!

The pleading and concerned words from Leila didn't make Melissa feel even a little bit better. Instead, she was in the verge of losing her temper. At the same time, her heart sank, and panic crawled across her spine. The old lady was starting to taste a bitter end. The plan was supposed to oust Sheryl from the Lu family, but the result was turned upside down. Unbearably quivering inside, Melissa thought, 'Did I misheard her? Still looking for what? Why did she ask an unsavory man like Jim to do such a job in the first place? And what? A drug addict? She bet Shirley's life on a drug fiend! They have no mercy! They are willing to kill to buy drugs. How stupid Leila is to let my granddaughter fall into that criminal's hands!

Don't tell me that Leila intentionally planned all of this? It was a benefit to Leila if we can't retrieve Shirley soon. Charles and Sheryl's relationship will have a taint for sure. But should she give Shirley to a delinquent man like Jim? Such a wicked woman! I can't believe her guts! She made a fool of us! You will regret this, Leila!' Many suspicions were molding inside her head.

The more Melissa thought of the situation, the worse the scenario she imagined. Her paranoia was making her imagination more vivid in her mind. She had faltering confidence, not only about Shirley's condition but also about the wrath of her son. If anything happened to Shirley, Charles would surely let the police step in and fully take over the case. The truth would escape from the discretion at the end of the day. What if Charles found out that his mother was one of the accomplices of kidnapping his daughter? Then what would be left with her? Imagining that her son would be the first one to take her to the police and put her into prison terrified Melissa. From what she already knew, Charles could never tolerate any threats in any form when his daughter's safety was involved.

Having a stern character, Charles didn't show much enthusiasm towards people. But the way Charles pampered the two kids showed there was no one else who could replace his kids in his heart. Even if Melissa, his mother, dared to cross his bottom line, Charles would not overlook her sin at all. Forgiveness and mercy would not cross his mind if he discovered her role in kidnapping his daughter.

With these troublesome thoughts, Melissa's face turned gloomy. She questioned in her mind, 'Are you going to kill my granddaughter?' While casting a sinister look at her, Melissa badly wanted to yell out to Leila's face, but that would sound too emotional.

So, she suppressed it, pulled it back, and snapped out in a calm and solemn tone, "Anyway, you have to find my Shirley and bring her home safely. I have to warn you, if anything happens to Shirley, neither of us could afford to take the blame! We all know how Charles' vengeance could be when his children are involved. And to remind you, that was your idea in the first place!" Though Melissa tried to be as calm as she could, her eyes could flash laser lights, as they were full of anger.

However, Melissa's fury was noticeable, making Leila tensed. The guilty lady immediately thought of ways to alleviate her mood, and hurried to come up with a way to comfort her. She began, "Don't worry, Aunt Melissa. Come on and take a look at this! These are what I have found recently, the three possible locations where Jim could have hidden Shirley. We could focus our action in these places, and circle in to find Shirley."

With the advent of technology, Leila carefully led Melissa to the computer desk. Utmost patience and clarity in the explanation were necessary as she gestured to Melissa to look on the screen. Then, she pointed out three dubious spots to let the old lady be assured. She was worried that Melissa would be too scared and confess their mutual plot to Charles. That could worsen the current situation, in Leila's eyes.

In half belief, Melissa sized up the spots. Reminiscing about Leila's promise of the safety of her granddaughter, made her mind ease a little. However, what she had never expected still happened! Melissa could only blame Leila to wash her hands clean.

Absurdly, she even thanked herself for giving her granddaughter to Leila, instead of her grandson. She was also relieved and grateful for not putting all her faith in that wicked woman, or else, the boy might have been in peril now. She could never forgive herself if that happened.

Feeling helpless, Melissa felt confused about whether she should continue to trust Leila's words. Melissa could never remain calm even though Leila had deduced the possible locations. But she seemed to have no choice but depend on Leila. All she could hope right now was that Leila would fulfill her promise. Then both of them would be happy.

Still, Melissa hurled an angry look towards Leila. Anger continued to build and swell her chest. Even her eyes were ablaze with wrath. She snapped out, "Then do something with it to find my Shirley as soon as possible, slowpoke! Why are you still staying at home without doing anything? You are supposed to…"

All the resentments coming from Melissa's mind were exhausted as harsh words that humiliated Leila. The words pierced like an arrow as Melissa didn't think too much about Leila's feelings. Leila even trembled a little unexpectedly, and felt too disgraced to meet Melissa's glare.

As her rationality went back, Melissa stopped ranting, getting aware of her recklessness. Thinking that she might have just been too rude to Leila, she blinked her eyes and shook her head to calm down. She closely stared at Leila, only to see Leila's bowed head. Then she stroke another scurrilous words. "Leila, let me be clear. You have made such a messy plan which obviously have failed, and now you lose control of it! If anything happens to her, you will suffer the same!"

With Melissa's threat, Leila didn't have the nerve to retort. A nod and a feigned smile were her reluctant answers. In a coherent way, she replied, "I will..."

Stunned by Melissa's angry words and looks, Leila surely had gone weary. With a bang of the closed door, Leila didn't know when Melissa turned and left her room. As the door was shut and Melissa was nowhere to be seen, Leila's look turned into a long face. With her teeth gritted, she couldn't help but curse, "Why did she yell at me like that? Is it all my fault?"

To Leila, it was absurd to understand the old hag. The whole kidnapping plan was combined from their complementing ideas. With full confidence, Melissa agreed with her back then, but now Melissa seemed to deny her involvement. Even worse, she turned her back against Leila and threatened her. Outrageousness escalated Leila's feelings.


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