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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1388

At a loss for words, Charles didn't know what to make of the fact that Sheryl had different nurses checking up on her every day. Although they didn't give him the slightest hint that they were gossiping about him, somehow he still felt uncomfortable.

Sheryl teased Charles, just to relieve her sheer boredom, "See, here comes another member of your fan club."

Amused, Charles chuckled and pinched Sheryl's nose. "You know, I love you the most."

Charles spent the last few days at the hospital taking care of Sheryl, putting aside his work. In the meantime, he had hired some people to keep looking for Shirley. Before long he came to learn from his subordinates that Leila had framed Jim and sent him to prison.

This knowledge only helped to fuel Charles' frustrations. He was annoyed at Leila for making a mess of his plans because if it weren't for her, Shirley would be back home by now.

Jim was the only person who knew where Shirley was. Now that he was in prison, Charles had to make different arrangements. He had to call in favors from his friends in high places to help him contact Jim.

Sheryl wasn't the only one worried about Shirley. In fact, Charles was just as overwrought as she was.

At the Dream Garden

Leila was utterly exhausted and the consequences of her actions had caught up with her. It was as if she had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. Not only did she fail to find Shirley, she was also the reason why Sheryl was in the hospital.

Charles had put her under house-arrest, preventing her from going anywhere without his permission which made her want to pull her hair out.

After all, she couldn't just stay at home and do nothing. Shirley was still out there and she needed to find her as soon as possible. There was no room for excuses.

After much deliberation, Leila finally concocted another plan. However, since she wasn't allowed to leave the house, she would have to ask for someone's help.

Quickly grabbing her cellphone from the bedside table, she called a number without hesitation.

"Hi, Benjamin. It's Leila. Do you have any updates about the missing girl?"

"Sorry, I've got nothing right now. The locations you texted me are very remote and scattered. Finding a missing girl in places like that is like finding a needle in a haystack. It will probably take me a few more days. But rest assured, I am working on it as we speak." Benjamin had been tirelessly working against the clock to find Shirley and it drained him, both mentally and physically.

"I know you are doing your best to help me, Benjamin. I really appreciate it. But my relatives and I are very worried about the child. What if I double your reward? Could you please try harder?" Leila urged him politely.

"Fine, I will try harder. But remember to keep your word when I find the child." Benjamin agreed to Leila's new and improved offer immediately.

"It's settled then. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please find her as soon as possible."

In truth, if Benjamin had actually put in the work to find Shirley, the chances of him finding her by now would be a lot higher. However, since he and Leila weren't that close, Benjamin didn't really put in a lot of effort to find Shirley.

But now, with the new offer, Benjamin became more serious.

He found the picture of the missing child Leila sent to him last time and printed it to pass it around the neighborhood. Day or night, he drove to the three locations without complaining.


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