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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1394

"Then... What about the one million you promised to give my family for my service?"

Joey stared at David anxiously, afraid that he would outright refuse to pay him.

"Don't worry. The money will be transferred to your family's bank account tomorrow. Of course, what you say must be true, or else...We will take it back if we don't find Shirley in that place." David spoke with great solemnity.

Joey's heart leapt with joy, as she thought, 'Jim wouldn't dare to lie to me.'

"The girl must be there!" Joey hesitated for a second, then nodded at the assistant with confidence.

Having reached the end of their discussion, David secretly slipped Joey a pack of cigarettes and walked out of the room without uttering another word. He hastened back to the Shinning Company.

"Mr. Lu, may I come in?" The sudden knock on the door drew Charles' attention. With his permission, David entered the room as Charles put away the files and grabbed his jacket from the hanger.

"Oh, you're here. I was just about to ask you if the location of Shirley was accurate." Charles looked like he was in a hurry to leave as he rolled up his sleeves.

"Yes. The information came from Jim himself, so there no chance for it to be inaccurate."

"Okay, I'm heading there now to find Shirley. You take care of the company affairs while I'm gone. Just send me a message if something goes wrong."

Charles grabbed his mobile phone from his desk on his way out as soon as he finished talking.

"Mr. Lu, you should bring some people to accompany you. I worry about your safety, especially since there is a man watching Shirley. We don't know anything about him. He could be armed." David wanted to make sure Charles wasn't walking into a trap all by himself.

"I don't have time. I have to go there right now. You arrange something and send them over as soon as possible." Charles went into the elevator that was going to take him to the parking lot.

Charles wanted David to inform Sheryl of the news to ease and comfort her, but he was worried that it would only make things worse if he didn't find Shirley there.

After carefully mulling it over, he decided against informing her just to until he was certain.

The elevator beeped and the doors slide open to the parking lot. After setting the GPS to the location Jim had given them, he drove out of there as fast as he could.

'My dear Shirley, please hold on. Dad is on the way to bring you home.'

Charles' heart was overwhelmed with excitement. 'Shirley has been gone for many days. I wonder how she is doing. God, I hope that she's okay!' The more he thought about these things, the more his heart ached to see her. Now that he knew where Shirley was, he didn't want to waste even a second. He would fly to her if he could.

In a deserted cabin in the suburbs


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