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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 1396

Charles was shocked. All his hopes were quashed, and he felt empty. He couldn't help but worry again.

''Has the kidnapper killed Shirley? Or he has moved her to another place?'

Charles' mind was in a state of chaos. His face became ashen, and his hands trembled. The life seemed to have drained from him, and he nearly collapsed in a heap.

He couldn't accept that his daughter was killed. 'Where are you, Shirley?' he thought in desperation while looking up at the ceiling of the room.

'When I catch her damn kidnapper, I'll cut him into pieces!' If the kidnapper dared to lay so much as a finger on Shirley, Charles would get back at him in the most brutal possible way. Charles' eyes turned red at the thought of what he was going to do to the kidnapper.

He clenched his fists, and the veins on the back of his hand popped out. Then suddenly out of anger and frustration, he punched the wall with his fist. The blood oozed out through his fingers, but he didn't seem to care about his injury. He was numb to the pain.

Charles cared about nothing except for Shirley's safety.

"You don't have to come. Shirley isn't here. The kidnapper took her away before I got here," Charles told David in a hoarse voice. Then he hung up.

Charles walked around the cabin and looked for any clues along the way, but failed to find any. It seemed that the kidnapper was very thorough and had left no trace.

Finally, he went to the wooden stake. Bending down before it, he examined the broken ropes on the floor and felt heartbroken at the thought of Shirley being tied up by them.

Shirley's skin was tender, and the coarse rope would surely leave black and blue marks. 'Did Shirley get injured being tied with these ropes?' His chest tightened at the thought of how she must be suffering. Charles wished more than anything that he could tear the kidnapper apart with his bare hands and hold his beloved daughter in his arms again.

He sat silently for quite a while in the cabin. It was dusk by the time he came back from his trance. Charles wiped the tears from his cheeks and managed to build his courage up again.

Although he lost the lead, he couldn't give up looking for Shirley. He firmly believed that his daughter was waiting for him to save her and that she wasn't far away. So he had to pull himself together for Shirley's sake.

Thinking about this, he strode out of the cabin and then left.

At Dream Garden

"Leila, let's go to the hospital and see Sheryl this afternoon. She's been in the hospital for a few days. We should visit to see if she has recovered,"

Melissa suddenly proposed while Leila was watching TV.

Leila was confused. She shifted her eyes from the television to Melissa, looking at her in disbelief.

'Has Melissa changed her mind? Why does she suddenly care about Sheryl's health? That's impossible! She was angry at me because I failed to kill Sheryl a few days ago. She must be playing tricks!' Leila thought.

Chapter 1396 Is She Flying A Kite 1


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